Wednesday, December 18, 2019

High School And College On The Horizon - 923 Words

For many their years of adolescence is a time of growth, learning, and life experience in which a teenager comes to better know himself. Nearing the end of high school and college on the horizon, one must become aware of his personality, strong suits, and weaknesses to better develop himself into a virtuous man. He must grow in many ways both physically and spiritually before becoming able and ultimately being an independent man. Acknowledging this growth of adolescence, Jesuit High School has developed a profile that a Jesuit graduate should display at the time of graduation. I believe that through my high school years I have best grown in my intellectual competence and my commitment to doing justice. Since coming to Jesuit in eighth grade, I have excelled intellectually in many ways both in and out of the classroom. One of Jesuit’s main objectives is to insure that every graduate has mastered those academic subjects required for success in college. I am on my way to fulfilling this objective, for example, by having achieved a 1310 score on the PSAT, a test on the basic knowledge one has in regard to subjects related to college readiness. This score, which positioned me in the 97th percentile of test takers, shows that I am on track for being a top tier college applicant. I have also began to become more aware of my cultural heritage and cultural heritage of others. For instance, last year I visited Croatia, which my grandparents moved to the United States from, and wasShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Going to College765 Words   |  3 Pagesat college? Will a man be brilliant if he is a studying machine? Will your mother be satisfied with you if you cannot even take care of yourself? As science and technology develops, more and more students choose to go to college instead of working after they graduate from high school. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Do Computers Think Essay Research Paper Can free essay sample

Do Computers Think? Essay, Research Paper Can or will computing machines of all time think? Well this has been a topic of much argument between even the greatest heads, and yet there is still no reply. First of all I have would wish you to reply a inquiry. What is 4 # 215 ; 13? Did you have to believe to reply that? Yes? Well does that intend that a computing machine can believe because it can reply that inquiry. Well that is what we are traveling to put to reply and I think yes, depending on your definition of thought. First off allow? s acquire something directly. When I refer to computing machines in this essay I am non mentioning merely to the microprocessor sitting on your desk but to microprocessors that control automatons of assorted construction. Well as I said we foremost must specify? to believe? . What does that intend? Webster? s New Compact Dictionary defines? believe? as 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Do Computers Think Essay Research Paper Can or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Have a head. 2. Believe. 3. Use the mind. . It defines head as? to believe? . So does this mean that if you can believe does this mean you have a head? My sentiment is that, harmonizing to this definition, computing machines can believe. A computing machine can give you an reply to the inquiry? What is 4 # 215 ; 13? ? , so it can believe. What? s that? You say it? s merely programmed to make that, if no 1 programmed it wouldn? T be able to make that. Well how did you cognize how to reply the inquiry? Your instructor or parent? s or person taught it to you. So you were programmed, same as the computing machine was. So you think that programing is different than larning. You might believe the same as my grandmother that programing is something where things are merely drilled into you like people who are members of cults. Well when your instructor stood over you desk in simple and make drilled you on the generation tabular arraies was that non programming? Would you cognize that 1 # 215 ; 5 does non equal 10 if everyone you of all time met said that it did. Another statement my grandmother used was my small cousin and how when he runs into a wall he learns that it hurts so he doesn? Ts do it once more. ( Well really he does it because he has a difficult caput ) . Yet a professor in Calgary physiques automatons that do non even incorporate a microprocessor yet it can larn. He builds them out of trim portion from broken electronics such as Walkman? s. They have multiple legs and when one leg acquire? s stuck, say on a piece of tape, the strain on the motor causes the motor to alter the writhing gesture of the leg and this feedback system continues until it gets free, but the 2nd clip it takes less clip to acquire free because some how it knows, what to make to acquire free. So it has learned and hence must be able to believe harmonizing to that definition of think. My female parent says that what makes it that computing machines can? t think is they can non manage state of affairss they have non been programmed to manage. Well there are now automatons that can voyage through a room where they have non been programmed to manage but they can voyage through it without knocking into anything. They can? t do it with the efficiency of a human but they can make it. So one time once more they can believe harmonizing to a definition of? to believe? . My pa felt that a computing machine would non be able to believe because if you put it in a room and neer used it, it wouldn? T be able to believe. Well would you be able to believe if you could non hear, touch, see, smell, or gustatory sensation anything and as such could have no information. What would you have to believe about. Another twosome of definition brought up in a conversation was that in order to last something must be able to believe and that the ability to come up with original thoughts was cogent evidence that something can believe. The Calgary professor mentioned earlier besides took these automatons ( without microprocessors ) and gave them solar panels so they could acquire their ain energy. He besides gave some a device that allowed it to disenable other automatons. These automatons would roll around a room and they would contend over the sunniest musca volitanss in the room because it was the topographic point they stood the best opportunity of endurance. If these automatons disabled another 1 they used it? s? remains? along with others to organize a barrier around this cheery topographic point so it would be protected. Well if this behavior is non cogent evidence of the fact that computing machines can last and come up with original thought? s I don? T know what is. So as you can see by all the definitions I have been able to come up with a computing machine can believe. The most strong expostulation I found was that we are populating and that is what makes us believe is merely an expostulation to the fact that something may possibly some twenty-four hours become smarter than us.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Intercultural Communication in Healthcare Essay Example

Intercultural Communication in Healthcare Paper Intercultural Communication in Healthcare Intercultural Communication in Healthcare In a culture as diverse as the United States it is of utmost importance that individuals in settings such as the health care field learn to communicate with people from different cultures. This type of setting offers many chances for misunderstanding, miscommunication, and mistrust. It is imperative for the health care field to have an effective strategy to minimize these negative consequences of poor intercultural communication. One must also remember when implementing a communication strategy that there are many elements that effect the experience; cultural variations, personal dignity, and interpersonal relationships. An effective intercultural communication strategy improves these aspects of the health care experience. Gathering knowledge of different cultures and the beliefs, values, and language can be an effective strategy to overcoming cultural diversity and improve intercultural communication. Cultural variation means that people are different from one another. Each person has his or her own set of values, norms, and beliefs. Individuals share these with others from their own culture; however with the vast number of separate cultures today it is important to understand not only that people are different but also how to embrace these differences in order to supply individuals with appropriate health care. There are many ways in which differences and cultures can affect health care services. Different cultures have different beliefs about health, wellness, and healing. Cultures also have varying beliefs about the causes of illness and diseases. We will write a custom essay sample on Intercultural Communication in Healthcare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Intercultural Communication in Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Intercultural Communication in Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer For example, many individuals from the Asian culture believe that to discuss cancer is offensive and brings bad luck. They also believe that if there are no warning signs of cancer there is no reason for cancer screenings (Zhao, Esposito, Wang, 2010). Overcoming these cultural beliefs and ideas can cause individuals not to trust Western medicine or medical doctors. In order to overcome these cultural variations it is important for health care providers to be sensitive to the beliefs of other cultures. Showing support and respect for cultural health beliefs creates a better interpersonal relationship between patient and physician. When implementing a wellness plan for the patient to follow the physician should take into consideration the beliefs of the patient. Health care providers should seek and obtain knowledge of their patient’s diverse cultures. Obtaining the knowledge of other cultures can be an valuable skill. Health care providers should remain aware of the importance of personal dignity in the health care industry. This is especially true when caring for individuals with cultural differences. According to Nursing Ethics (2001), Inherent in nursing is respect for human rights, including the right to life, to dignity and to be treated with respect. Nursing care is unrestricted by considerations of age, colour, creed, culture, disability or illness, gender, nationality, politics, race or social status. (p. 375). Treating others with respect and dignity can not only improve the interpersonal relationship between patient and provider, it can also lead to a better patient compliance with physicians orders. A patient who is resentful of perceived or real lack of respect by his or her health care provider is less likely to follow the physician’s instructions. Dignity plays an important role in the health care experience. In today’s world of cultural diversity, knowledge is a valuable resource. With individuals from different areas and countries seeking health care in the United States one valuable strategy to improve interpersonal relationships is for the provider, nurse, or another individual in the office or hospital to speak different languages. For example, a patient who comes into the hospital does not speak English. The patient can be scared, confused, worried, and anxious. If they are not able to understand the physician or explain their concerns or complaint to the physician or nurse, misunderstandings, confusion, and misdiagnosis can occur. If there is no bilingual staff member, an interpreter should be available to aid in translating for both the patient and physician. When a patient can understand the physicians and nurses questions about their situation and the patient can explain their signs and symptoms the interpersonal relationship is strengthened and trust can be created. By obtaining knowledge of other cultures beliefs, how they value medicine, beliefs about the cause and treatment of disease, and knowledge or availability to understand different languages the health care provider can create an atmosphere of trust with their patient. When treated with dignity, respect, and genuine concern, a patient from a different culture will be more likely to be more open with his or her provider, follow the physician’s follow-up instructions and care plan, and maintain a positive interpersonal relationship with their physician. According to Jordan (2009) â€Å"Cultural competence is key to the delivery of the highest quality health care; it is intrinsically tied to our ability to understand and effectively address the cultural and linguistic needs of our patients and families† (p. 8). Reference Codes and Declarations. (2001). Nursing Ethics, 8(4), 375-379. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Jordan, T. (2009). Diversity vs. Inclusion. INSIGHT into Diversity, 19. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Zhao, M. , Esposito, N. , Wang, K. (2010). Cultural beliefs and attitudes toward health and health care among Asian-born women in the United States. JOGNN: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic Neonatal Nursing, 39(4), 370-385. doi:10. 111 1/j. 1552-6909. 2010. 01151. x