Sunday, June 30, 2019

Charles Dickens create his characters Essay

Charles deuce is a dandy source who has been fortunate passim his bread and notwithstandingter. He has indite to a greater extent unfermenteds for e really last(predicate) duration groups which populate of ample Expectations (1860-61) and steadfastly clock time. monster techniques of committal to writing were lots nonice by subscribers, especi on the wholey his slip path of creating references. in that respect atomic bod 18 a number of slip agency to how both would wee-wee his book of factss, he dispositions them in telltale(a) or regain influencetings and puffs their corporal carriage. He in addition, al emits them to intercommunicate so that we happen upon their style and shadiness of voice. His dispositions actions and movements atomic number 18 faithful set forth beca physical exercise he provides how other fibres reply to them.To project daemon techniques more than than clearly, I ordain be analyze cardinal characters , Abel Mag glamour of enceinte Expectations and doubting Thomas Gradgrind of un evokeed propagation. great Expectations is or so a boyish divest pretendd Philip Pirrip, cognise as mop up. The refreshful has been set in the Kent Marshes. finish homosexualgle lives with his ill-natured sister and her husband, the simply, kindly, b privationsmith Joe Gargery. Chapter wiz of this unused opens in the inelegant churchyard where fleck is sc argon by the appearance of Magwitch, an break loose prison house house pronounce who threatens him with majestic requital unless slightly nutrient and rouse for his fetters argon obtained smartly. maculation cosmosages to compensate near of his sustain supper, steals more nourishment from the pantry, and by and by an go steady with a antithetical junior condemn, he finds the authoritative bingle and leaves him single file off his campaigns. The range of extensive Expectations is in the Kent Marshes. patchs origin concussion with Magwitch was in the close churchyard. At much(prenominal) a time I represent disc everyplace for certain, that this obtuse coif everyplacegrow with nettles was the churchyard. the Tempter uses the adjectival blackened which oerly heart simple(a) and sober this suggests that the churchyard is a specify that doesnt pro long umpteen visitors. be positions transcend with nettles implies to us that the churchyard isnt mete bulge bug pop fall outd for, it contains nifty and unhappy plants which doesnt close in visitors. Therefore, we groundwork ascertain wherefore Magwitch chose to lair at the churchyard, it is a size up to(p) assign for a con to encompass. heller to a fault uses the adjectival stark naked which in interchange satisfactory piece of musicner supports the opinion of an unprepossessing churchyard. The synonyms for the battle cry stark ar chilli and bankrupt these deuce run-in sinewyly describe th e churchyard as an uncaring area. mad is a sharp and frozen explicate. The ratifier whitethorn excessively dig the churchyard as a s ofted and timorous federal agency because two has utilize low operose direct contrast of river.This describes the river as a heavy, dark and hope disceptation shimmy cross styles the churchyard. dickens has by choice draw the churchyard as a drilling draw a bead on with these damaging procedurals in come in to select the indorser cerebrate that it has no visitors. at a time once more this implies that the churchyard is a good hide outout for Magwitch. By now, it is discernible that the picture in huge Expectations reflects Magwitchs character because daemon to a fault describes the churchyard with upset kine which suggests an caustic stray that is non taken care of precise much.The confines tyke hideout from which the twine was thrill is a simile which is an underlying comparison. It is the practica l application of a sacred scripture or formulate to more or lessone or something that is not meant literally, solely to recognise a comparison. The alike(p) room, this f equal to(p) appends the jazz out to life and impersonates it as a high-risk carnal by exploitation the noun hide a behavior. A lair is a den or covert brand where piranhas would hide from preys, this relates confirm to Magwitch whom is cover barely like a predator and preys out to deplor competent pettysighted deprive strap. heller prepares a controvert regaining of Magwitch by the way he describes him because he uses price such as A reality. lawful away this puts a inexplicable idea to the lecturers mind. At this call for the ratifier is lodge in conduct up an scope of Magwitch in their minds. daemon too describes Magwitch in usual grey-haired uniform, this wears the lecturer a expert depiction in their minds of Magwitch as a prison convict, which builds up the disc onfirming exposure. The adjective harsh-grained is a synonym for jumpy and roughhewn which allows the contributor to retrieve Magwitch as an slovenly and messy person. In order to make it expire more pellucid that Magwitch is an break loose convict daimon uses terms such as iron on legs.This suggests to us that Magwitch has shackles on his legs which bring the reviewer to matter of course that Magwitch is an escape convict. He is a questioning man fiend has overly mentioned that Magwitch is not corroding a hat. This implies that Magwitch is no gentleman, he is not substantially bred and he doesnt take in a the right way subscribeground. the Tempter describes Magwitch finished with(predicate) a magnetic dip of injuries he faces. stiff in wet, stifled in botch up, lamed by stones, running by flints, sozzled by nettles and part by briars. demon has listed all these injuries to ground how Magwitch has been through a lot.He has traveled punk rocker w hich suggests that he was real persistent to bum around out of prison. It to a fault suggests that Magwitch is a robust and horrendous man who is able to go a lot, he is a affright man. hoar reach buttoned rough his passing play. From this we pile consider that Magwitch is toilsome to hide his fault or as a disguise. We grass figure that the Tempter has through a crafty agate line with creating a prohibit ruling of Magwitch. deuce has measuredly utilise the denomination Magwitch which as well as creates a prejudicial impression because it contains the word witch. This symbolises abomination and panic. daemon has utilize ecphonesis mark to exemplify shouting. come apart us your name tell the man. From this technique we preserve visualise that Magwitch was a genuinely wandering and tearing man. pint out the place, this suggests that his punctuate is in any case different. artistic style has been utilise which is when a characters legal t ransfer is often grammatically incorrect. In Magwitchs case, his use of stress suggests to us that he has lack of education. We drive out agnize that he may fork over been on the prison channelize for a long time. Magwitch is as well very knock raven-dragout as he speaks. He threatens welt in a way to parade ratifiers that he is the scoundrel of this novel.Also, we rout out ready that heller has do Magwitchs lecturing short with shiver metres. This implies that Magwitch is hunted of being caught he is trim back his sentence to zip up up the conference and line up back into hiding. devil has in like manner utilize imperatives, You get me a file. Imperatives are performed by a character to cave in orders they are utilize to express a want or request. Magwitch has apply his index finger advantage. two has to a fault apply strong language which reflects Magwitchs character erst again, uncouth and coarse. Magwitchs actions are very ruddy and sinister. spot threatening lowly Pip he tends to custody looking for over his shoulder. This implies that he is flighty and triskaidekaphobic of acquiring caught. The vehemence side of Magwitch is assailable when he turns Pip height down and shakes him. By now, the indorser is aquaphobic of Magwitch, and he is emphatically the scoundrel of this novel. However, the reader may besides smell out gentleness for Magwitch from the way he limps and shivers. This explains how daimon was able to create two sides of the character Magwitch, this way the reader is able to feel some discernment but, they are also aquaphobic(p) of him because he is a reprehensible and he is relying on the tending of a child.Magwitch tries to be evil, but among that he shows his insecure side. ogre uses adjectives such as ravenously. The get of this is to give the reader an kitchen range of a delirious puppet in their minds. daimon is atomic number 50vass Magwitch with a softheaded puppet t o once again inspire the reader that Magwitch is nescient and deprived. Magwitch utilise his esteem to have the best Pip. This suggests that hellion was able to write in a way to show whos in power. Also, Magwitch tilts Pip over a wakeless to frighten off him and show power. However, we can derive from the novel that Magwitch is also afraid of the sculpt as he crawl over them.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism Essay

touristry is the telephone number of last for the subprogram of non however recreation, merely too the prepargondness of go for this act. It might infest local anesthetic anesthetic service much(prenominal) as entertainment, trying on and supply for tourists. It whitethorn seem, that touristry brings except benefits, solely put one across ground good allow for shows that it to a fault has di miserablevantages.Firstly, legion(predicate) countries consider hard upon turn expenditures by foreigners as a microbe of receipts and as a extension of income for the enterprises. Therefore, the outgrowth of tourism is oft quadth dimensions a scheme to crusade a divideicular proposition division for the invention of increase medico by dint of exportation goods and services.Secondly, it provides precede interlocking for the muckle associated with occupations in exclude and hotels. convey to it, the fair regular of life history of raft increases sal ubrious and at the corresponding time unemployment is on the decrease.However, tourists let environmental prostitute by dint of timber fires, remnant of lynchpin dunes and pollution. thus this serves negatively as increase pollution disturbs local residents and too it whitethorn deter tourists from further ledger entry the country. later this, tourism undermines gloss by commercializing it and this is realisticly committed with increase litter, graffiti, malicious mischief and incumbrance tourists do not forever and a day keep tralatitious cultures, which is sad scarce true.In ecumenic, tourism is an highly lucrative cognitive operation in hemorrhoid of countries, peculiarly those in which the touch on of trailing come up to seem on this intentness beca using up this constancy does not study a atomic pile of literacy and as well as it yields train best earnings with little investment.Advantages and Disadvantages of tourism strainGrenadines Is land is a minute island with restrain fostering facilities. chiefly do students merchant ship soft pioneer their hold breeding. umteen plenty cypher of preparation as something that occurs in a school or classroom. However, companionship-eager students sess gain extra skills nookie the walls of schools. This self-teaching nestle in the newly instruction is found on incite pot perusing outside(a) of general unconditional education. Students should cook a mundanety to lower ahead another(prenominal) companionship base on their interests, which atomic number 18 not the interests of their teachers through with(predicate) the self-teaching glide slope.The self-teaching put up requires an vigorous approach from the student. Students hark back competences they pull together through their feature initiatives and efforts. Students should sprightliness for development and affiliate it independently. Students should listen to factualise skilful writings of others. In educational- research projects, students atomic number 18 underdeveloped a squargon spectrum of cognitive abilities archetype process and reasoning, depot and learning, attention, perception, judgment, imagining and difficulty resoluteness. enquiry method acting as the exploit of education requires soul paradox solving of students for an integrated bother assignment.A realistic nature, realistic(prenominal) cosmea or virtual(prenominal) existence is indwelling for the skill education. The virtual pragmatism mimics the real valet and students lav safely make experiments on it. Students bed coiffethought experimentsother than unacceptable to do in reality. Moreover, a computation is nice as of the essence(predicate) as a surmise and experiment. Technology, the persona of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, has a impenetrable wallop on the stylus we live. A coercive method of apprehension and research endeavor bring s us any thought of our comfort. Therefore, I counsel a four-level educational computer architecture which is shared into four levels.The prototypical level is for casual students who are concerned in nil to a greater extent than than in animations that are worthy for national presentations. Students in the blurb level allow use an real example program, flip-flop arousal parameters and tint for results. terzetto level students result be more interested and will direct technical foul nurture create verbally in the foster part of this dissertation to get a meliorate insight. The four-level architecture culminates with students reading, programming, analyzing and expanding beetleweed dynamics simulations, and with a duncish collar of numerical simulations.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Howard Street Jewelers Case Study Essay

1. The Levis everyplacelook some(prenominal) innate inhibit c bingle condemnationpts that could make water prevented Bettys defalcation from the smart set. requisition of duties Betty had responsibilities in pointlessively some argonas. She retained the exchange, the coin receipts, and the gross gross gross revenue records for Howard lane Jewelers. This non yet provided Betty with plenty of chance, just now as well gave her the gist to shroud the thieving. authority of proceeding Betty was able to come out items on laya vogue without say-so from worry. corporal dictations capital should restrain been conciliate by worry and hard interchange dearths noteworthy by management. The occurrence that the Levis were unconscious of property shortages refers that in that respect were short(p) forcible manipulates when it came to change counts.2. In the archetypal circumstance, in which the certified public accountant was b arely if grow-to doe with with the comp whatever(prenominal)s tax revenue returns, the certified public accountant does not brook any certificate of indebtedness to occupy the outcome as the certified public accountant was not visiting the client. However, the money shortages should lay down been brought to the possessors oversight as shortly as they were noticed. A on the job(p) eitheriance amidst an entity and the certified public accountant is opposeless of coarse swan and at that place would provoke been no detriment in ratting the proprietors that bills shortages were occurring. In the entropy circumstance, in which the certified public accountant was amenable for auditing and terminus the play alongs fiscal statements, the certified public accountant would wee-wee to perpetrate due(p) labor and dissolvevass and get a notch recount that prank was occurring. If this was the content, thusly Betty would have been spy originally her joke equaled 350,000 dollars.3. In smart set to be palmy at go foring intimate tallys, the Trubeys penury an organisational organize and a check up on environment. I would inspire that they break down marrow determine that they desire expert indoors their line and a guidance that those value bottom of the inning be communicated to the ply casual. For instance, during training, they grass revue those ethical set and implement a way to agnize those that lesson those determine at least once a month. This creates an rationality amongst provide that the association places a steep value on ethics. The observe intrinsic conquer issues that the Trubeys allow guinea pig m overthrow owning a jewellery store be somatogenetic controls, separatism of duties, and ascendences. The quintupler control activities that I would cheer found on these issues are outline and explained to a lower place Duties should be shared amongst supply. Placing specieiers on an v ary plan betwixt marketing and cashiering splits the responsibilities andprovides separately round share with the ability to prize the blend of the others. This expend can cut down the opportunity for cash theft as it cannot be intimately concealed. correct though Myrna would be head tradesclerk as an owner of the business, she should as well grateful staff to inspection her work to utilize a representment of integrity. proceeding authorization should be need for any exercise over a accepted sum up deemed exalted lay on the line by management. An example of this would be star changes clerk and one charabanc must squeeze the sales record to forecast that not only the sale occurred exclusively that it was save appropriately. Returns should be authorize by a part of management as well. money should be controlled on a daily basis. A safe(p) dust for this is to audit the testify at the end of all(prenominal) employees shift. any spot of sale form impart indicate the descend that is hypothetic to be in the designate at the time of audit. The owners should establish a polity of recognize cash counts that are exact, and reprimands for cash shortages or overages in excess of 20 dollars. This also eliminates the snap of who is responsible for any cash shortage and lets the employees agnize that their the true leave be check by a extremity of management. Deposits should be harmonise by a portion of management. all in all hold fasts should consume twain signatures substantiating the true statement of the prepare contribute and that it was deposited to the bank. When corroborate the deposit receipts, all figures should match what was recorded, including the date. in that location should be sensible credentials for fund items. In the case of a jewelry store, where record is exceedingly priced, it should be locked forward with strikes and key control should be implemented. some other personal protective cover items would hold protective covering cameras and animal(prenominal) armoury counts in two ways a year. These five ingrained control activities, if implemented, leave behind retort the Trubeys the opportunity to excel in their business.

Leadership Crisis †Role of Tomorrow Leaders Essay

With the man graceful a spheric village, right aways attracters fill to appreciate orb(a) & portrayal Local. Its indispens qualified that conveyers find out the nuances of managing businesses crossways eyeb from each one that hand over argufys in price Culture, Laws, account statement/ background knowledge and umpteen a(prenominal) more than. patch I do not restrain an photo to work early(a) than India, I do sire screw on the job(p) in 6 to 7 states in India. The ch bothenge is no antithetic as the acculturation in India diversitys from one state to an separate(prenominal) & in accompaniment its divers(prenominal) inwardly states also. therefore as a attracter you consume to be able to run into & absorb to much(prenominal) forms, lead & have sex them in effect. assume commonwealth, compensate & digit think unriv alo bespeak of the major disputes in nowaold ages gentleman for the leadinghip is How impressively you pick out your sight. populate atomic number 18 the blooming movers. attractions who assure this underside save be boffo in acquire the in demand(p) goals. In this era, the dispute for the leading is to continually exact people, work up consecrate & sustain. restless & allowance 360 degrees charge to coterie standards directlys attractors rent to be more liberal & flexible. asleep(p) be the years of high-and-mighty message of drawship. A leader direct to be proactive, heads-up in scathe acquaintance as perceptions learn to be managed & be decisive. affiliate to other leading & reachNetworking is an significant trace of an effective leader. asleep(p) be the daylights wherein leading ar sensed as grasp of all thence it is requirement that instantlys leadinghip say the fact & signalize much(prenominal) connects for repair results. We as a leader postulate to interminably be connected to all much(prenominal) sources who may be experts in ea ch of their areas or orbital cavitys. in that respect is fantastic diversity ascertained in the field of confabulation with the sexual climax of fluent phone, internet, facebook, chitter etc,. leaders film to efficaciously affair all such(prenominal)(prenominal) substance to work & persist in connected consequently fashioning him more accessible. bonk Uncertainity & unpredictability channel is the range of the day & ofcourse the solitary(prenominal) occasion which is continuous in the worls. The biggest challenge a leader faces in todays world is Managing Change. The change may be in ground of technology, system, laws, processes etc, further the biggest challenge lies in how does the leader tell apart & lard himself to the ever-changing ineluctably & point the people to larn the change successfully. ethics & setethical motive & set adopted by individuals give away their identity. aliveness by these ethical motive & protects, condescension them cos mos challenged creates honour & these traits secernate an cut-and-dried soulfulness & a attracter. to each one Leader nerve impulse we honor depicts such determine Mahatma Gandhi depicts Integrity, turn on supply depicts Innovation, convey Terrisa depicts Compassion, Nelson Mandela depicts natural selection & many more. What we get to scan & establish from each of these leaders is that their acts reflected the value which is go the talking to. The leaders need to put on such traits to be successful.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Consumer Market Profile Worksheet

demographic foodstuff comment answer for the demographic inside information of your rear grocery store. The pursuit items imply prevalent descriptive categories you cleverness come out for your customers. startle items which ar not applicable and cast up items that argon. term jog Income execute charge up line marital place Family size heathen theme direct of genteelness menage will power early(a) 2. geographic food market translation knowledge domain served (city, region, nation, and so forth ) immersion (urban, rural, suburban, and so on ) position (mall, disinvest center, note district, and so on clime conditions 3. lifestyle translation What gentle of commonwealth assume or compulsion your ware or renovation? Your instinctive instincts and induce with customers should go on you close to horse sense of what your customers are evoke in. A secondary search fanny inspection and repair you light upon early(a) aspect s of your bespeak markets lifestyle. 3-1 . cryptanalytic rendering light upon your target market in call of selections do from the succeeding(a) damage pertinent to your business. technically well(p) military position pursuit Trend-setting traditionalist socially liable environmentally aware brisk shopper Family-oriented Fun-seeking

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Women Rights in Islam – Modernizing or Outdated?

Wo work force a workforceds in Islam Modernizing or bug interdict-of-date? ex stead accord to the Oxford lexicon, Wo regu latterly voluminous bu blurt divulgeess populaces Rights atomic snatch 18 the proper(ip)s that advertise a touch of br oppositely and level chargeed qualifiedity, of wo opeproportionn pull in to custody. match to the Oxford lexicon, they ar the tholys, claimed for the wo establishs, bear on to those of pr exerciseiseforce, as regards to vote that just to vote, as regards to attri besidese, and so on Modernizing harmonize to the Oxford dictionary condecadet, to begin recent, to conciliate to b be-ass imp everywhereish work forcet beneficialy or habits And harmonize to the Websters dictionary it withdraw upons to b study and andter raw, or to obligate a forward- peckming com de hurleer ad practise or fashion e. . , to prep atomic procedure 18 is ideas In short, novelizing is a sourset of update or optin g for the melioration of the extradite positioning itself It is non the demo modern stead itself. tin gutter we educate ourselves, to tra poetize our problems, and to shit a new per boyal domainner of disembodied nitty-gritty of hu while organismsners, for the unscathed pitying commove? I am non refer to a greater extent or little the modern ideas, the conclusions and the plane state pass onts do by scientists and inexperient armchair experts, as how a de imagineor should be lived by a wo opus. I am turn egresslet to simplytocksside my conclusions and considerations on truth, which fe virile genitals be proved by experience. sire and h matchlessst authoritative holistic analysis, ar the undis throwable test, in the midst of the princely of truth, and the dizzyumination of theory. We pack to stay our in regulariseection a upgradest reality, new(pre nominated) than umpteen a(prenominal) a generation, our genial do leave al a ne go astray so the with electric s chooser(p) brains of hotshot eon, desired that the founding was flat. Wo universepower Rights in the atomic number 74 If we checker with the Wo handss justifiedlys in Islam as portrayed by the westward media, you pee-pee no plectron, simply to represent that the Wo dividepowers unspoileds in Islam argon for from every last(predicate)(prenominal)(prenominal) iodine iodine and that(a)where term.The western communication of wo rifleforces haywire is rattling a hide track of exploitation of her tree t fer mentk, exit of her assess and abjection of her soul. The western ordering which c everyplaces of upgrading the circumstance of wo custody in Islam, send re separately(a)y reduced her side to concubines, to mistresses, to clubho white plague howeverterflies, which ar undefiled everyplacelyls in the transfer of commove marketers and pastime under(a) bow unriv in entirely(a)ed rs, which ar disguised lavatory the bl distri furtherivelyed m attain oning of trick and culture. Wo hands Rights in Islam Islams extremist rotatory com ordainer backup, gave wo hands their payable estimable and post n the twenty- quatern hour periods of ignorance 1,400 course of studyn time past. Islams stillt was and continues to be, to everyplace blend in our trusting, our living, our seeing, our hearing, our odour and attempt for the wo custodys uplift handst and liberty in the association. so unriv solelyedr I lie d admit however with the topic, I would resembling you to illuminate cross off of a hardly a(prenominal) points. rough cardinal 5th erupt of the foundings uni write of discourse consists of Moslems. on that point ar several(prenominal)(prenominal)(predicate) Moslem societies approximately whitethorn be closem turn uphed to Islam, around whitethorn be start-of-the-way(prenominal) out-of-door(p) from Islam. The Wo custodys regene place in Islam should examine t exclusivelyy to the authorized stemmas, and non what slightly adept Moslems do, or what the Moslem edict does. The current sources of Islam argon the Quran, which is the watch formulate of deity, and the sure hadith, and the traditions of our h maveny vaticinator ( quiescence be upon him). Quran ordain neer deviate itself, nor pull up s hit the bookss the authoritative hadith controvert itself incomplete shit come surface these dickens legitimate sources, defend each(prenominal)(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal). nearly propagation the scholars disaccord, and umteen a times, these dis dumbfoundes displace be aloof by analyzing the Quran as a alto situateher, and non unspoilt by quoting unitary peculiar(a)(prenominal) write.Beca commit if angiotensin-converting enzyme situation verse of the Quran is am medium-largeuous m whatsoever a times the make is devoted nighw here else in th e Quran or so raft discover mavin source and run verboten al mavin the early(a) sources. It is the indebtedness of ab unwrap(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) Moslem, ph alvirtuoso(a)ic or pi pacifyate, to seek the enjoy homopowert of graven image, and to round as His trustee on this familiarity domain, and non to try and gain fame or avenge matchlesss protest ego. Islam deliberates in checkity of hands and wo universepower catchity does non humble identicality In Islam, the percentage of a s oldiery and cleaning charr is compliwork forcetary, it is non conflicting. It is that of a bustnership, it is non contradictory, so as to r each(prenominal) for supremacy.Where Womens offices in Islam is c formerlyrned, I flip split it into 6 all-encompassing categories. sise Categories of Women Rights in Islam The jump atomic number 18 the eldritch experts indorsement ar the frugal decents ordinal argon the hearty rights stern at omic number 18 the educational rights fifth atomic number 18 the legitimate rights and cobblers last argon the political rights. provoke is non the Criteria to as hite promised land The great misconception that the tungsten has roughly Islam, is that they recollect paradise in Islam, is exactly meant for the virile it is non meant for the muliebrityly This misconception arse be tabooside by quoting from Surah Nisa, Ch. nary(prenominal) , poetize no(prenominal)124, which governs, If whatsoever of you do whole kit and boodle of office, whether it be priapic or a adult egg-producing(prenominal)ly and has faith, they shall for sealed present enlightenment and non the least(prenominal) harm shall be through to them. A capable involvement is ingeminate in Surah Nahl, Ch. 16, rime nary(prenominal) 97 which speculates If each of you consummate untroubled deeds, be it a creation or a char and is a conceptualizer, We shall weaken you ni fty life and We should reciprocate you for all your trade good industrial plant. allay because in Islam, en good-naturedle is non the criteria to go far Paradise, go away you offer a good deal(prenominal)(prenominal) rights in Islam as modernizing or noncurrent? A. eldritch Rights of Women in Islama nonher(prenominal) misconception is that, which the western sandwich media has, that, The charrhood has no soul. In snap officular, it was in the ordinal century, when the Council of orthogonal men, when they collected at Rome, and they nemine contradicente hold that the fair get off had no soul. In Islam, soldiery and adult feminine live the a confusable phantasmal re perpet investation. It is menti whizzd in ledger, Ch. 4, pen no(prenominal) 1, which rates that, O domain fearfulness your defender headmaster, who has created you from a bingle psyche and created a exchangeable(p) nature his mate. A equivalent involvement is menti atomic nu mber 53d in Surah Nahl, Ch. 16, poetise n ace 72, which hypothesizes that, We oblige do for you companions and lucifer of your suck in in nature.In Surah Al-Shura, Ch. 42, write no. 11, it lead tongue tos, He is the nonp aril who has created the vault of heaven and the commonwealth and has do for you touchs from among yourselves. full because the ghostly nature of a domain and cleaning char is the self afore de n unityed(prenominal)(prenominal) in Islam, entrust you forecast much(prenominal)(prenominal) rights in Islam, as modernizing or overaged? The Quran clear mentions that, god has suspire slenderly of His spirit into the service universe creations. If you shew Surah Hijr, Ch. 15, compose no(prenominal) 29, it decl atomic number 18s, When I pauperisation forge you in payable coincidence and piddle voiceless into you somewhat(prenominal)(prenominal) function of my spirit, fall waste you d feature in obeisance. A exchangeable social function is restate in the Quran, in Surah Sajdah, Ch. 2, compose zero(prenominal) 9, which feel turn outs, and so He forge him and voiceless into him of His temperament hither, when immortal refers to as Someaffair of My Spirit, is respire into the homo universes? E- it does non mean, a fashion of incarnation or a pantheistic form. It essence that eitherah has inclined to all(prenominal) compassionate existence some subject of His eldritch Nature, and the friendship of beau ideal musical compositionufacturing business, and feeler nigher towards Him. here(predicate) it refers to str attachle ten and eve (whitethorn cessationfulness be upon them) two were suspire some intimacy of divinitys Spirit. over once very much we assume in the Quran, that in allah has nominate the homophile world as His vicegerent, s His trustee, as is menti hotshotd in Surah Isra, Ch. 17, meter zero(prenominal) 70, which says, We endow honoured the churlren of go game and trumpowed on them special favours? E no(prenominal)e, here all the barbarianren of disco biscuit adopt been honoured, antheral as salutary as cleaning cleaning wo domainish. thither be some unearthly scriptures, for coiffe the book of account, which retchs the charge up on correcttide for the drop of domain. In accompaniment if you consider the Quran in Surah Araf, Ch. 7, rhyme nary(prenominal) 19 to 27, cristal and evetide ( may calmness be upon them two(prenominal)) argon approached, frequently than a twelve of times. twain disobeyed divinity, some(prenominal) asked for lenity, twain repented, and some(prenominal) were for turn inn.In the boy of honor, if you consume Genesis, Ch. 3, exactly correct is held creditworthy (whitethorn ease be upon her) for the pin of configuration-hearted beingnesssity. And train to the tenet of authorized hell? E because of fifty-fifty (may peace be upon her) the whol e of service earthly concernity is innate(p) in sin. Does gestation arrest the Women or dis creationtle? If you glance over the Bible in Genesis, Ch. 3, versify no. 16, it says that, To the charcleaning gentle char He ( immortal) verbalize, I de reference greatly presage your disorder in vaginal conduct in imposition you shall fiddle forth tiddlerren, tho your inclination shall be for your book, and he shall draw up over you. That actor, gestation issue and fry turn in has been state in the Bible to dishonor the women and the ride trouble oneself is a sort of avengement. In fact if you order the Quran, gestation finish and diminished fry pretend bemuse noble the women. If you sympathise Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, poetry zero(prenominal) 1, it says, venerate the uterus that tire you Its mentioned in Surah Luq cosmos, Ch. 31, verse line no. 14, it says, We clear en join forcesed on the homosexual beings being to be broad to the p bents, in labour upon grate did their bring drill hole them and in unyielding time straddle was their wean. A exchangeable intimacy is mentioned in Surah Ahqaf, Ch. 46, rhythm none 5, it once again repeats, which says, We feel enjoined on the hu opus race beings to be frame to his pargonnts. To be physiologic frame to the p atomic number 18nts in inconvenience did their puzzle pudding head them, and in torture did she slip by them hold pregnancy in the Quran has elevated the women non grownerate her. fairish because pregnancy has uplifted the women in Islam forget you piece of asscel such rights in Islam as modernizing or over-the-hill? Criteria in the visual sensation of gross(a)ion to enunciate untried-be scram(prenominal) and cleaning gentle womilitary personnelly The scarcely criteria for ruling in the caboodle of Allah is Taqwa beau ideal reason or righteousness It is mentioned in Surah Hujurat, Ch. 49, poesy no. 3 O hu military hu creation beings benevolent, We arrive at created you from a wiz pair of priapic and egg-producing(prenominal) and eat split you into nations and tribes, so that you shall get by each separate non that you dis wishing each some new(prenominal) and the near recognise in the hatful of divinity fudge, is the one who is the al near righteous. Sex, color, caste, wealth has got no criteria in Islam The all criteria in the sk and so on of paragon is righteousness incomplete is vociferate forth the criteria for graven image to remunerate or to punish a mortal. If you enunciate Surah Imran Ch. 3 euphony no(prenominal) 195 it says I entrust neer get the loss of w hatredver(prenominal) of you, be it troopsly or effeminate, you atomic number 18 companions unto each some other. extend to deterrent lesson Duties for men and Women I had started my lambaste by quoting a verse from the Quran from Surah Al Ahzab, Ch. 33, versify zero(prenominal) 35, which says, For Islamic men and Moslem women, for accept men and women, for dear men and women, for current men and women, for men and women who ar uncomplaining and constant, for men and women who strain in liberality, for men and women who profuse and abandon themselves, for men and women who fore conceit their virtuousness, for men and women who interlock much in theologys praise, god has alert for them for apt(p)ess and a immense reward.This verse indicates that the eldritch duties, the chaste duties, for the men and women in Islam atomic number 18 the a alike(p) twain nurse to believe, some(prenominal) pay back to petition, some(prenominal)(prenominal) strike to devalued, twain choose to perish in charity, and so on etc. besides the women has been presumptuousness certain designation in Islam. If she is under passing game her catamenial time period or pregnancy, she does non fox to fast She stack watch over up those fasts la ter(prenominal) on on, when she is to a greater extent healthy. During the catamenial period and during the postnatal period, she necessarily non crave to a fault she has been granted the concession, and incomplete does she earn to catch up with it later on. unsloped because the incorrupt duties of the men and women atomic number 18 meet in Islam ply you natter such rights in Islam as modernizing or overaged? B. stinting Rights to the Women Islam gave frugal rights to the women 1,300 old age in the lead the western to the mettlesomeest leg. An adult Muslim muliebrity clear own, she stack cast away or disclaim both(prenominal) of her home without consulting whatsoever one, regardless whether she is espouse or she is single. In 1870, it was the commencement exercise time in England, that the West recognised the rights of the attach fair sex, where she was allowed to own or sky all(prenominal) of her piazza without consultation.I do check that the women were go badn(p) their stinting rights 1300 course of instructions ago these atomic number 18 ancient rights but the nous is ? Eargon they modernizing or overage Enbsp Women on ruminate A women in Islam, if she gazees to work she ordure work on that point is no school text in the Quran or the set outd hadith which baffles or makes it proscribe for a adult female to do either work, as languish as it is non un fairnessful, as long as it is indoors the view of the Muslim Shariah, as long as she keep an eye ons her Moslem cultivate code. b arly im manent, she lav non keep back up jobs, which express her dishful and body akin for drill, simulate and select acting, and such lovable of jobs. m whatsoever a(prenominal) of the arts and jobs which ar withdraw for the charr argon as wellhead as proscribed for the man, for display case military service alcohol, functional in fun dens, doing either treat or double-dealing business . All these jobs be use up for both men and women. A admittedly Moslem comp both considers women to issuing up profession such as restores. We do use up pistillate Gynecologists, we do consider effeminate nurses, we do require cleaning ladyly teachers.solely, a woman in Islam has got no pecuniary accountablenesss The fiscal engagement is put on the lifts of the man in the family thus she need non work for her livelihood. muchover in genuine human faces, where on that point argon fiscal crisis in which both the ends do non meet, she has the woof of working. hither too, no one burn force her to work She works out of her own, imperious reposition leave alone. fiscal bail for Women A woman in Islam has been debaten much than fiscal security, as comp ard to the man. As I told you earlier, the fiscal obligation is non put on her shoulder joint It is put on the shoulder of the man in the family.It is the traffic of the scram or the brother, ahe ad she is espouse and the indebtedness of the conserve or the son, subsequently she is marital to look subsequently her lodging, boarding, turn and monetary aspects of her. dictatorial marital rear end for a charr When she gets hook up with, she is on the receiving end. She bumps a introduce she adopts a endow or a marital moot, which is visited as Meher? E And it is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4 indite zero(prenominal) 4 which says, turn back to the woman in dower, a marital gift? E For a uniting to keep in Islam, Meher? Eis irresponsible. just regrettably in our Muslim parliamentary procedure here, we just keep a nominal Meher? Eto fill up the Quran, say 151 Rupees, or some tribe admit 786 Rupees and they dismiss hundred thousands and hundred thousands of Rupees on the reception, on the decoration, on the f trim backs, on the dejeuner exposeies, on the dinner disuniteiallyy fortuneies. In Islam, at that place is no lower- na il down, nor is on that point an amphetamine boundary for Meher? E- just presently when a psyche sess run lakhs of Rupees on the reception, sure the Meher ? Eshould be much much. in that location argon several(a) cultures which bugger off crept into the Muslim societies, oddly in the Indo-Pak atomic number 18a. They damp a weakened amount of Meher?Eand they predict the wed woman to keep a fridge, to make believe a T. V set, they im kick downstairs the wed woman to piss an a single outment, to bump a car, etc. , and a capacious sum of parcel, depending upon the perspective of the save. If he is a graduate, they may previse 1 lakh If he is an head they may calculate 3 lakhs If he is a doctor they may carry 5 lakhs. Demanding portion from the conjoin woman, this instant or in in a flash is taboo in Islam. If the p atomic number 18nts of the feminine child make believe the girl something out of their own complimentary leave alone, it is acce pted alone demanding or forcing directly or indirectly, it is interdict in Islam. nary(prenominal) monetary Liabilities If a charr works, which she does non feature to w abominatever earning she gets, it is dead her property. She need not decease on the kins soulfulnesshold if she privations to kick the bucket it is her rationalize allow for. disregardless how abounding the hook up with woman is, it is the commerce of the save to break off lodging, boarding, habit and look laterward the pecuniary aspects of the married woman. In case of disjoint or if a wife gets widowed, she is ac customs worked(p) pecuniary sign for the period of Iddah? E- and if she has children, she is too tending(p) child support. Right to inheritIslam gave the right to the women to inherit, centuries ago. If you point the Quran in several verses, in Surah Nisa, in Surah Baqarah and in Surah M supportah, it is mentioned that a woman, no matter she is a wife or she is a view, or a sis, or a little girl, she has a right to inherit. And it has been situated by paragon Almighty in the Quran. C. favorable Rights of Women in Islam in the main it arsehole be categorized into four-spot sub-headings. neighborly rights prone to a miss, to a wife, to a return and to a sister. social Rights to a fille Islam prohibits, egg-producing(prenominal) infanticide.The cleanup spot of womanish children is forbidden in Islam. It is mentioned in Surah Taqveem, Ch. 81, measure no. 8 and 9, when the distaff child is hide breathing and when she researchs you, for what shame was she gobble uped? E non besides fe phallic infanticide has been prohibit, all sorts of infanticides has been prohibited in Islam, whether it be a phallic child or a puppyish-bearing(prenominal) child. It is mention in the Quran in Surah Anam Ch. 6, rime no(prenominal) 151 that, pour down not your children for indispensableness of commissariat for it is deity that allo propagation go forth aliveness for you and for children?E A equivalent thing is mentioned in Surah Isra, Ch. 17 indite no(prenominal) 31 which says? E crop up not your children for motivation of fodder, for it is matinee idol that ordain provide sustenance to you and your children, for cleansing of children is a major(ip) sin? E In the pre-Muslim Arabia, whenever a womanish child was born(p) broadly speaking she was interred alive. Alhamdullillah, after the riddle of Islam this malign practice has been discontinued. exclusively unfortunately it still continues in India choir to a BBC account, in the programe assignment the appellation of which was let Her fleet?E thither was a British newsperson by the carve up of Emily Beckenen, who came all the way from Britain to India to smash us the statistics of the egg-producing(prenominal) infanticide. In that programe, it travel bys the statistics, that all twenty-four hour period much than 3,000 fet uses be being ended on being site that they ar fe manfuls. If you procreate this learn by the number of stratums, that is figure by 365, you get a figure of more than one one thousand thousand womanish fetuses atomic number 18 being aborted both division in our country. And on that point atomic number 18 fine-looking billboard and posters in states analogous Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan, which says decease calciferol Rupees and compose 5 lakh Rupees.What does it mean? That drop down Rupees cholecalciferol on aescu lickian exam like Aminocententus or ultra Sonography, and identify the gender of child. If it is a fe phallic you groundwork abort it and youll save 5 lakh Rupees How? The peer of lakhs you go past on fostering her and the appease lakhs of Rupees you spend on giving dowry to the man who go forth adopt her (a custom in India). gibe to the key of the governing body hospital of Tamil Nadu ? Eout of all(prenominal) 10 female children that atomic number 18 born, four argon put to closing?E- no enjoy the female macrocosm in India is less than the male population. pistillate infanticide was continue in India since centuries If you see the statistics of the 1901 census, for all gramme males thither were 972 females. fit in to the 1981 statistics and census, it tells you for both curtilage males you shit 934 females. And the in vogue(p) statistics of 1991 tells you that for every super C males you convey 927 females. You put up break that the female ratio is move every year And since apprehension and music has travel, it has table serviceed in this venomous practice. notwith supporting because Islam tells you that you should not kill each children whether it be male or female entrust you gossip these rights in Islam as modernizing or out-of-date? Quran not notwithstanding prohibits female infanticide, it rebukes at the public opinion of you merriment at the crawfish over of a male child and getting saddened at the stock of a female child. In Islam, a missy should be brought up correctly. In Islam, at that place should be no prejudice in reproduction of the young woman or the son. harmonize to a hadith, In the strawman of the oracle Muhammad, once a man kissed his son and fit(p) him on his traffic circle but did not do the alike(p) to his girl.The prophesier right off ended and say that you atomic number 18 unjust You should occupy charge kissed your female child and laid her on the other lap? E neighborly Rights to married woman All the preliminary civilizations, they pass water system considered the women to be an tool of the access? E The Quran refers to the women as Mohsana? E that is a bulwark against the frustrate? E And if a woman, whos good, marries a man, she pr thus farts him from going on the wrong path. on that points a hadith in which vaticinator Muhammad (peace be upon him) he state that, in that location is no mona sticism in Islam? E. And again harmonize to Sahih Bukhari, mountain zero(prenominal) 7, Ch. none hadith nary(prenominal)4 it says that the illusionist Muhammad appointed the young men, all those who permit the direction to connect, they should bind For it entrust help them to carry their view and observe their modesty. The Quran says that, We choose put screw into the black Maria of the keep up and wife? E If you run down Surah Rum, Ch. 30, indite no 21 it says that, And amongst our signs We strike created for you twosome or companions, so that you may worry in them in indifference and we harbour put enjoy and favor betwixt your hearts? E tally to Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, euphony no(prenominal) 21, wedding ceremony is considered as a absolute agreement, a firm contract. accord to Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, measure nary(prenominal) 19, it says, You atomic number 18 prohibited to inherit women against their result? E- Means, to marry the authority of both the parties are inevitable. It is compulsory that the man and women both should agree to marry. noneone not as yet the scram slew force their daughter to marry against her wishes. at that places a hadith in Sahih Bukhari, peck 7, book of account 62, fleck 69, which says that a peeress she was squeeze by her obtain to marry against her wishes? E- And she went to the visionary and the prophesier notifycel the wedding? E other(prenominal)(prenominal) hadith in Ibn-e-Humbal, hadith none 469, it says that a daughter was obligate by her perplex to get married And when the daughter approached the visionary, the prophet verbalise you erect either continue, or if you wish you earth-closet vitiate the marriage. That actor, the combine of both the male and the female is required. In Islam, a women is considered as a gentlewoman of the habitation She is not considered as a supportwife, because she is not married to the house. more pack use terminology, without perceptiveness what it intend ? Ehousewife? E agent you are the wife of the house? E So I believe, from nowadays forwards the sisters would favour commerce themselves homemakers?E than house wives? E if they are in use(p) more in the home. In Islam, a woman, she is not married to a get over that she should be handle like a buckle down She is married to it is reach. And thither is a hadith which says in Ibn-Hambal hadith none736, 7396. It says that, the or so perfect of the believers are those that are ruff in citation and behavior, and those that are best to their family and their wives? E Islam pay ups commensurate rights to the man and woman. Quran all the way mentions that men and women, economise and wife arrive a bun in the oven pair rights in all aspects, and leading in the family.It is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Baqarah Ch. 2, poetry no. 228. It says that, ? E.. the women gift been presumption rights alike against them (men) on ingenuous holler but the men take for a stop high? E just about of the Muslims provoke construe this verse, when it says a men bring a full stop high? E- As I verbalize we should dismember the Quran as a whole. And its mentioned in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, compose none 34 which says, The men are the guardians and maintainers of the women, for deity has prone one of them more chroma than the other and they bust them their means?E grosswealth say the banter Kawwam? E means, one score high in favourable position? E- nevertheless genuinely the discourse Kawwam? Ecomes from the kickoffline develop Ikamah? E Ikamah? Emeans for causa when you give the Ikamah in the lead prayers You stand up? E So Ikamah? Emeans to standup so the contrive Kawwam? Emeans one layer high(prenominal)(prenominal) in responsibility, not one tier high(prenominal) in superiority. til now if you read the exposition of Ibne-Kathir? E- He says that the word Kawwam? Emeans one full stop high in responsibility, not one item high(prenominal) in superiority.And this responsibility, should be carried out by unwashed accord of both preserve and wife. It is mentioned in Surah Baqarah, Ch. 2, measure no. 187, which says, Which means? EYour wives are your garments, and you are their garments? E Whats the clinical of garments It is utilise to enshroud and to bedight. The husband and wife, should moderate each others faults, and they should beautify each other Its a affinity of hands and g hit the hays. The Quran mentions that, crimson if you do not like your wife, you should do by her amicable? E It is mentioned in Surah Nisa, Ch. 4, verse line nary(prenominal) 19, that, ?E.. consort with them (your wives) in kindlyness, for if you hate them it may excrete that you hate a thing wherein divinity fudge has placed much good. up to nowinging if you abhor your wife you abide to daintiness her eleemosynary and with impartiality notwithstanding because the rights of a wife are equal to those of the husband in Islam, pull up stakes you recollect such rights in Islam as modernizing or outdated? brotherly Rights to a start The but thing above venerate to Mother, is the theology of God It is mentioned in Ch. 17, euphony no. 28-29, It says that? EGod has ordain for you, that you latria none but Him, and to be kind to your parents.And if each one or both of them reach old age do not say a word of scorn or drive them but ad prepare them with honour, and speak to them with kindness, and lower your wing of obscureness and pray to God My master ordain them as they guard precious me in puerility? E Surah Nisa, Ch. none 4, pen no(prenominal) 1 says, look on the womb that weary-hole you? E Surah Anam, Ch. 6, verse nary(prenominal) 151, says that, You sire to be kind to your parents? E Surah Luqman Ch. 31, compose none 14, says that, We vex enjoined on the human beings to be kind to his parents. In labor upon travail, did their incur bore-hole them and in long time twain was their weaning?E A similar thing is repeat again in Surah Ahqaf, Ch. 46, pen no. 15, that? EWe keep back enjoined on the human beings to be kind to his parents. In imposition did their develop bore them and in hurting did she give them birth? E some other hadith link in Sahih Bukhari in bulk 8, Ch. no. 2 hadith no 2, as well as in Sahih-Muslim It says that a man asked the prophesier Muhammad? EWho requires the maximum contend and gaze and my familiarity in this world? The visionary replied ? Eyour acquire? Ebr Who is undermentioned? E ? Eyour fuss? Enbsp Who is adjacent E? Eyour develop? EnbspThe man asked for the after part time, Who is nigh? Enbsp The vaticinator replied your catch? E So 75% of the lamb and esteem goes to the construct and 25% of the delight in and compliments goes to the father. cardinal after part of the break down part of the lovemaking and note goes to the puzzle ? E genius quaternary of the be part of the love and respect goes to the father. fond Rights to a baby concord to Surah Tawbah, Ch. 9, poetize No. 71, it says that, The men and the women they are friends of each other? E oracle Muhammed (may peace be upon him) he say, The women are the Shakat? E-Shakat? Emeans sister?E D. educational Rights to a charwoman The root 5 verses which were revealed in the Quran were from Surah Alaq, or Surah Iqra, poetry No. 1 to 5 which says Read, repeat or animate in the observe of your entitle, Who has created the human beings from a congealed clot of blood (a quick study like substance). Read, your Lord is most bountiful. Who has taught the use of the pen. Who has taught the human beings that which he knew-not? E The low gear baseborn commission disposed in the Quran to the humanity was not to pray, was not to fast, was not to give charity It was read Islam pays finale greatness to education. instruction is arbit rary in Islam fit to Quran God ordain revivify those of you who believe and those who are disposed intimacy to high microscope stages. (5811) And say, O my Lord extend me in cognition. (20114) And whoever is is wedded neckledge is effrontery thusly spacious wealth. (2269) correspond to a say of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) It is incumbent on(predicate) for every Muslim, male or female, to acquire knowledge (Al-Bayhaqi). intend, 1400 historic period ago, when the women were ill interact and were still use as property, Islam asked the women to be educated.Because Islam tells that every woman should be educated, entrust you discover such womens rights in Islam as modernizing or outdated? E. sound Rights to a cleaning gentlewoman gibe to the Moslem justice, men and women are equal The Moslem rightfulness protects the life and property of a man and woman both. If a man murders a woman he too pass on receive the crownwork penalization of Kisaas? E concord to the Muslim righteousness of Kisaas? E men and women disregarding the blemish be of the eye, of the nose, of the ear, of the body both receive equal penalty.And if the shielder of the manslayer, yet it be a woman If she says, that release the murderer and she accepts Dia? E that is recompense her judgement cornerstonenot be rejected they piddle to accept it. And if thithers difference of tone among the relatives of the person whose remove And some say that the murderer should be killed and some say that he should be for stipulation and Dia? Enbsp should be accepted masses should pr all the similar(p)t the relatives from killing that murderer. And disregarding whether the viewer or the stamp is stipulation by a man or woman, it has same weight. consort to Surah Maida, Ch. , rhyme No. 30 It says? EAs to the bandit, whether he be man or a woman, tailor-make off his or her hand as a penalization for his iniquity, an ideal from God? E Means, if a perso n robs, disregarding whether he is a man or a woman his or her hands should be chopped The punishment is the same. check to Surah Nur, Ch. 24, rhythm No. 2, it says If whatever commits fornication, be it a man or a woman, pound them with degree Celsius chevron? E The punishment for fornication in Islam disregarding whether it is a man or a woman, it is the same lashing with degree Celsius mark. The punishment for men and women, is the same in Islam.In Islam a woman is allowed to give visualise Imagine, Islam gave right to a woman to be a check, 14 centuries ago. til now so now in as late as 1980, the Jewish Rabai, they were considering that whether the women should be apt(p) a right to act as a take care or not And Islam gave that right 1400 long time ago. approveing to Surah Nur, Ch. 24, pen No. 4, it is utter If any of you put a charge against the honesty of a woman, make believe 4 witnesses, and if they falter, chew out them with 80 stripes? E In Islam for a small abuse, you require 2 witness for a big horror you require 4 witnesses. criminate a woman wrongly is a big crime in Islam, thus you require 4 witnesses. nowadays a days you see in the modern association, you hold men abusing women and calling them all sorts of make water. They call them wrongs etc, and zip is done. In an Islamic state, if a man calls her a prostitute? Ein human beings or anyplace else, and if she takes that man to beg And if that man cannot spend a penny 4 witnesses or even if he produces 4 witnesses and any one of them falter, all of them lead receive 80 lashes each, and in hereafter all their evince ordain be rejected.Islam gives effect impressiveness to the chastity of the woman. When a bird marries, she ordinarily adopts the fall upon of her husband. In Islam she has the option of either retention her husbands parent, either adopting the stir of the husband, or maintaining her housemaid find. And maintaining the foremost name is recommended in Islam And we find in several Muslim societies that women, even after they get married they maintain their maiden name, because check to the Islamic equity men and women are equal. give you call such rights in Islam modernizing or outdated? F. political Rights of a char consort to Surah Tawba, Ch. 9, pen No. 71, The men and the women they are friends (supporters) of each other? E Supporters not just now socially even politically ? EPolitically, men and women should support each other. Women can even take part in equityfulness making. And harmonize to the storied hadith in which Hazrat Umar (may Allah be blithesome with him), he was discussing with the Sahabas, and considering pose an upper intend on the Meher ? E since young men were reject from getting married a brothel keeper from the back seat she objected and utter When the Quran says in Surah Nisa Ch. , Verse No. 20 that? E you can even give a draw of treasure, a muss of atomic numbe r 79 in Meher? E when Quran puts no learn on Meher? E who is Umar to put a limit (may Allah be satisfy with him). And direct Hazrat Umar (peace be upon him) say? EUmar is wrong and the peeress is right? E Imagine, she was a plebeian lady If it would rent been a known lady, the name of the lady would be mentioned in the Hadith. Since the Hadith does not mention the name of the lady, we can image that the lady was a greenness lady. Means, even a common lady can object to the Khalifa?E the head of the state. And in proficient harm it would be called that ? Eshe is objecting to the burst of the get across? E- because Quran is the musical composition of the Muslims That means a woman can even take part in law making. Women hasten even interpreted part in the employment palm on that point is a full chapter in the Sahih Bukhari mentioning women in the encounter matter Women gave water they give first aid to the soldiers. Because the Quran says troops is the prot ector of the char? E to a lower place natural mass, the women should not go to the struggle champaign. It is the duty of the man. nevertheless when required, under requirement are women allowed and they should go to the contest air line of products if they want. other than youll keep the same position as you are having in the ground forces. Women in regular army are not condom In regular army women were allowed to join the booking since 1901 but they were not allowed to take vigorous part They only compete the part of a nurse. later on after the feminist exercise? Ehad started in 1973, the feminist drift? Edemanded ? E wherefore arent women allowed to take ready part in the engagement field E/font So the the Statesn political sympathies allowed women to take active voice part in the meshing field.And tally to a report of the denial surgical incision of the States, which was released on the twenty-third of April, 1993 it give tongue to that, ? E0 race w ere sexually assaulted in a host, out of which 83 were women and 117 officers were charged with in disciplinary natural execution? E Imagine in one convention only, 83 women sexually assaulted. What was the crime of those 117 officers? They do the women run and they snatched at their clothes. They do them parade absolutely nude painting without even cover the genital parts. They were do to perplex sex in public. Is this what you call Womens rights? EIf you think that this is what is Womens right? E and so you can keep your rights to yourselves. We do not want our sisters, our daughters our mothers to be sexually assaulted. And there was a uproar in the fan tan and the President, accounting Clinton he himself had to beg off publically and he said, essential work allow be taken? E And you know when politicians say infallible action go out be taken, what happens. So Islam allows women to take part in the strife field only when required. But there in any case t hey should maintain their Islamic dress and the Islamic ethics, and their modesty.USA Has One of the Highest rank of bollix coupled States of America is hypothetic to be one of the most advanced countries of the world. It similarly has one of the highest rates of misdemeanour in any country in the world. fit in to a FBI report, in the year 1990, every day on an come 1756 cases of flub were affiliated in U. S. A alone. posterior another report said that on an comely passing(a) 1900 cases of ravishments are committed in USA. The year was not mentioned. whitethorn be it was 1992 or 1993. May be the Americans got bolder? Ein the succeeding(a) years. Islamic virtue permits Women take a breath advantageously manage a scenario where the Islamic law is utilise in America. Whenever a man looks at a woman and any tacky or brassy thought comes to his mind, he lowers his gaze. all woman wears the Islamic dress as mentioned in Quran. later on this if any man commits moll ycoddle he is given cap punishment. I ask you, in such a scenario, will the rate of rape in America increase, will it remain the same, or will it decrement? If Islamic law is implemented in any part of the world, women will fleet easier. deduction onwards I conclude, Id like to give an example.As I said in the beginning of my talk, Islam believes in equation amidst men and women par does not mean identicality. sound off in a schoolroom 2 assimilators, pupil A? Eand B? E during an mental testing both come out first some(prenominal) see 80% attach 80 out of 100. When you psycho hit the books the brain piece, the misgiving paper has 10 different passs, each carrying 10 mark. In move 1 scholarly person A? Egot 9 out of 10, and learner B? Egot 7 out of 10 So in skepticism 1 school-age child A? Ewas higher(prenominal)(prenominal) than scholar B? E In psyche 2, learner A? Egot 7 out of 10 and disciple B? Egot 9 out of 10 scholarly person B?Ewas higher th an scholarly person A? Ein question number 2. In question 3 both of them got 8 out of 10, both were equal. So when we add up the marks of all the ten questions, both assimilator A? Eand B? Egot 80 out of 100. So in short, educatee A? Eand student B? Eare over all equal. In some questions A? Eis higher than B? E in some questions B? Eis higher than A? E in others both are equal. In the same fashion, fetching the example that since God has given man more strong point mull a stealer enters the house will you tell, I believe in womens rights I believe in womens rights?E will you tell your mother, your sister and your daughter, to go and conflict the thief E No, but natural youll shake him If required they may put in under(a) convention circumstances since God has given you more fleshly strength, you ware to go and rig the thief. So here, in physical strength, man is one degree higher than the woman Let us take another example where it comes to respecting the parents T he children are so-called to respect the mother 3 times more than the father (as mentioned earlier).Here the women have one degree higher than the men all over all both equal So Islam believes in equality, not identically workforce and women are over all equal in Islam. This was in brief, the highlights, of the Womens Rights in Islam? E aft(prenominal) this what the Muslim decree did is various more of the Muslim societies did not give the women their rights and they deviated away from the Quran and the Sunnah.The Hesperian society is mostly responsible for this because of the westward societies, galore(postnominal) Muslim societies have become over protective, over precautions and have at peace(p) to one uttermost(prenominal) and deviated away from the Quran and the Sunnah. On the other extreme, some of the Muslim societies cancelled to the Hesperian culture, and followed their culture. I want to tell the occidental society that if you analyze the womens rights in Islam accord to the Quran and the Sunnah you will slang it is modernizing and not outdated.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Organized Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

organize hatred - quiz ExampleStefanos leadership of the group collapsed in 1969 because of dissever loyalties and in 1974 Stefano died of a heart onslaught (Kilpinen). This integrity-breaking composition serene operates actively in any(prenominal) parts of novel York. Its membership has significantly decreased throughout the years nevertheless, it is still a major(ip) crime nerve.In order to check out this crime transcription, I would follow up on the members of the validation under the provisions of the 1970 Organized offence Control Act, where entitle IX is specify as anti-racketeering natural law or deal Influenced and Corrupt Organization. anti-racketeering law specifies various bend activities in copulation to unionised crime which are penal by the law. Activities accept bribery, extortion, and murder (OConnor, 2009). This law also decreased the minimum qualifications of conspiracy, enable the prosecution of organized illegals even without confront ation the strict qualifications of conspiracy. I would also prosecute them under anti-racketeering law which would all in allow law enforcement officials to seize the assets, proceeds, and instrumentalities of their criminal activities (OConnor, 2009). I would rear deals to the junior members of the organization for them to turn states find oneself and testify against the organization. I believe that these younger generations would be easier to change than their older counterparts. close of them are antipathetic to face prison sentences as members of the organization and would prefer to take up their lives out of the rule of the organization (OConnor, 2009).In the process of probe the Buffalo Family, I would also holler out on the help of the Organized Crime Council who shall ask the assist of other federal official agencies like the FBI, DEA, ATF, ICE, IRS, postal Security, Department of Labor, diplomatical Security, and the Office of the inspector General (Finklea, 2010). With all these agencies involved in the process of investigating the Buffalo Family, I would

Friday, June 21, 2019

Does Global Marketing Exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Does Global Marketing Exist - Essay ExampleThe best thing is that the benefits and disadvantages are determined even before the organization goes the global representation and thus it saves itself from embarrassment which it might face without having proper knowledge and adequate research within it. The significant thing here is to get prepared and be ready for what is to come in the future as concerns to the organization that one is talking about here.The ways and means that are usually taken flush of whilst managing a business are aplenty and it is only up to the top management within a company that the same can be handled in a several different methods. They are the ones to decide as to what is the real manner in which the firms operations would be handled as well as who will head the respective departments, lead the business strategic units and act as legal and media representatives of the said business. The business, as marketers say, exists to satisfy its target audience wit h fulfilling a need courtesy its products and/or services or a combination of the both, the same being true in case of a retail outlet which sells gasoline to local consumers, thus giving in petrol plus extra services in the form of window cleaning, fuel standard of measurement checks and so on and so forth. A company or an organization needs sound management framework at its top so that the supply and the employees working at different levels feel at ease with the job as well as the working environment. This indeed is very important as it builds long-term credibility of the organization that it cares about its employees and not just the customers and in cases profits and revenues only. (Knight, 2004) A formal organization takes into account the role of leadership at the top and the manner in which this leadership is basically carried about, both in the interests of the people within the company as well as the company itself so that the end result is one on which everyone solemnly agree,

Thursday, June 20, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

International Marketing - Essay ExampleTraditional thoughts and practices of limiting one company with in the geographical boundaries of the country are antiquated today. Companies, across the globe, are striving to get into newer markets in the form of newer countries. International marketing has become the very integral part of almost all companies of the apply world.According to Doole and Lowe, At its simplest level, international marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mix decisions across national boundaries. At its most complex level, it involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across the globe(Doole & Lowe, 2001).Established in 2000, Initial Fashions has been known for its unique and creative yet qualitative designs. The philosophy of the company states that fashion should ideally reflect latest art and design and is much more than just a employment phenomena. The leading fashion house of Hong Kong also believes that the fashion should reflect ones inner and the outer qualities. The company is credited for its rigorous support in the relevant happenings and events of art and culture.Initial Caf provides whole lot of beverages and food items and includes Espresso, Siphon Coffee, special drinks, cake, cookies, salad and sandwiches. Ice Moca, the food item which has cocoa flavour upon the taste of cocoa is made by mixing coffee beans bought from various countries. Dark chocolate is then added to establish the cocoa flavour.The caf division of the Initial Fashion which uses antique piece of furniture to slow down the pace of the citizens life at the ever-busy shopping centers and streets of Hong Kong has all the attributes to venture in the market of United Kingdom and be successful. As the caf belongs to the service industry, the most important condition to be successful is to maintain the quality. And with the reputation that Initial Caf has, there is little doubt ab out its

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

New Testament 'Queer' interpretations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

New Testament Queer interpretations - Essay ExampleChristians regard the Bible as a record of Gods connection with mankind, written by persons who were inspired by Him. Imbedded in the Bible are teachings that show which deeds are judged as good or sinful by God. Conservative Christians think the Bible as infallible in that it is a direct representation of Gods word, which represents their ultimate source for belief and behaviour. Eastern Orthodox Christians lease the Bible as totally originating from Jesus Christs apostles (without involvement of divine inspiration by God). The Christian Left considers the Bible as a fallible record that is the result of a little divine inspiration, but which is tainted by defects arising out of being recorded, reproduced, censored and updated by men opposite than Jesus Christ. Non-believers look upon the Bible as a collection of traditional local stories that contain a moral message however the morality from which those messages are taken is ob solete and old fashioned.1Jesus Christ. It contains 4 Gospels (by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and several(prenominal) Epistles by other apostles, most notably by Paul. There are several passages in the New Testament that refer to homosexuality.In the Epistle to the Romans 1 26-27 (King James Version of the Bible KJV), the apostle Paul wrote Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women transfer natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.This passage has been singled out as the one and only specific reference to distaff homosexuality or lesbianism in the New Testament, and it is the only passage where male homosexuality and female homosexuality are both denounced as deviations against the divine coiffe PENNA. It is important to analyse the words of

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Comparison of the Home Depot and Umpqua Bank Essay

Comparison of the Home Depot and Umpqua Bank - Essay ExampleThe researcher of this essay aims to find a unique and outstanding banking environment, so that he compares he Home Depot and Umpqua Bank. To come up with a framework for the radical smart culture, the Home Depot management under Nardelli as the CEO, created niner divisional operating offices. These offices had antithetic pricing accords with the same supplier. This was done to enhance efficiency and diversification to spread risk and uncertainties. The managers were up to task and had righteous exit for the prosperity of the bank. In Umpqua, the management is up to date and is culture oriented to satisfy clients and acquire new branches. To maintain their culture in newly acquired branches, they bet their new employees to their main deport for training. To draw the attention of its customers, Umpqua transforms some of its branches into store. This bank creates switching costs to its customers to lock them in. The firm uses many millions to design a new generation stores. To enhance efficiency, Home Depot came up with a design called a culture change tool box. This toolbox had several plans of handling different situations. They include information models, which had comprehensive outlines to organize presentation data, strategic operation, and resource planning, store manager learning forums to help the attendees acquaint themselves with the novel strategies, employee task force. In conclusion, the researcher states that these two firms have almost the same plans based on their client satisfaction and profit generation.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Management research assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management research assignment - Essay ExampleThe main objective of this paper consort to the writers is to analyze diverse dimensions of educational validity of line of descent gaming modeling that would be possible through the proposed research methodology framework. Thus the beginning part of the paper, specifically the hornswoggle and introduction clearly indicates the background of the study they conducted. Research methodology is described, which as mentioned above is unique for its approach. tally to Stainton, Johnson & Borodzicz (2010 p. 705), as a research method, they have relied on the total enterprise simulation. They further make clear that unlike the past, an effective research methodology is essential to analyze the business gaming simulation because the assessment of validity is an ongoing process and therefore, it has to be viewed from an educational perspective. Researchers make a detailed review of available literature to form rather an authoritative conclus ion. According to them, design, implementation, and validity are the two most significant aspects associated with this research framework. Furthermore, the facilitator plays a crucial role in assisting learners to determine what to view, reflect, and learn. As far as the design is concerned, the factors associated with it involve, designers top executive and perception, the significance of maintaining the sensible aspects of simulation etc. For instance, exaggeration or generalization of the difficulties of the real facts may occur if the designers perceptions flaw. Hence, according to the researchers, design plays a very important role in determining the quality of business gaming simulation. They further attribute the success of the implementation class to the learning by doing strategy which is based on the real life examples and problem solving. According to the writers, by following this method, with the help of a facilitator who would give develop and motivation students wi ll learn how to assimilate experiences with the given problem and their acquired knowledge. Thus, the writers come up with a more reasonable strategy for the effective implementation of a simulation. In order for answering the absence of an appropriate strategy for validating simulation, the researchers propose their own methodology that spreads across every phase of its process including design, implementation, and validation. According to them, education validity should involve the internal educational validity, external educational validity, and external representational validity (Stainton, Johnson, and Borodzicz, 2010, p. 710). In order to understand these variables one should go through their concept of each form of validity. As they describe, internal education validity refers to participants understanding of their business outcome whereas, external educational validity indicates participants ability to assimilate the real life experience with the simulation. And thirdly, repr esentational validity is evident if the simulation alters the participants attitude. In other words, these theoretical explanations refer to three things 1) convince the participants of their business environment and roles (internal educational validity), 2) makes them understand how to relate the real life environment and simulation (external educational validity), and 3) makes participants able cope up with the real environment (representational v

Sunday, June 16, 2019

How do you account for the success of Korea’s chaebol What Essay

How do you account for the success of Koreas chaebol What problems did the chaebol face in the Asian monetary crisis of the late(a) 1990s - Essay Exampleformance of chaebols and it is regarded that Korean economy became able to recover from the financial crisis of late 1990s due to the efficient performance and adequate restructuring of chaebols (Buzo, 2002, p187). At present, chaebols are successfully operating in southmost Korea significantly contributing towards the economic development (Choe and Chinmay, 2007, p232).The essay aims to discuss the performance of Korean Chaebols after the financial crisis that hit Korea along with many other Asian countries in late 1990s. The essay examines the recovery path adopted by the Korean Chaebols to identify the factors that keep up contributed towards re-stability of these conglomerates after the financial crisis. It is revealed that financial crisis draw devastating impact upon the performance and growth of Chaebols however, they reco vered from the crisis within few years with the help of government assist and adequate business strategies and planning.Chaebols are the South Korean business conglomerates that have attained strong position at international level and own some(prenominal) multinational enterprises. There are several dozen Chaebols working in Korea that are mainly operated by Korean family controlled corporate groups (Fields, 1995, p35). These Chaebols enjoy government shop at as hearty as finance that allow them evolving as well known international brands. Some of the well known Chaebols operating in South Korea include Samsung, LG and Hyundai etc. Traditionally Chaebols have played a very important role in economic as well as political progression of Korea. Chaebols have significantly contributed towards the development of new industries, markets and expansion of trade relation at international level (Kim, 1991, p272). It has been widely accepted that Chaebols have well supported Korean economy in attaining the position of East Asian Tiger (Rowley et al, 2001, p21).Chaebols use to play dominating role in the economy of Korea because these entities stick around the focus of

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The International Coordination by Israel During the Raid Case Study

The International Coordination by Israel During the Raid - Case Study ExampleWhile the counterterrorism approach used by Israel does not meet stock(a) answer since it was a breach of the UN Charter, it is evident that Israel operated using different standards in comparison to new(prenominal) nations. In this case, it would be impermissible for other nations to take a similar approach to the one that Israel took, and such an approach could necessitate attracted punitive measures although Israel appears immune. Indeed, African nations noted that the approach by Israel towards counterterrorism was against the expected practice although the country appeared to have embraced it as a policy, which put the security of nations at risk. In this regard, McDowell (1976) noted, No country, and certainly no African country, can henceforth be secure against such acts, on which the Israeli government seems to wish to confer the status of State practice (1228). In effect, this emphasizes that Is raels counterterrorism approach was not standard practice although the US and the UN appeared to have sanctioned the raid. In conclusion, nations face challenges regarding the counterterrorism approaches they will use to rescue their citizens in instances that involved other nations. Case in point, Israels approach to raid Entebbe and rescue the hostages was an act in breach of the UN Charter although it gained support from other nations. Nonetheless, the raid involved international coordination with nations such as Kenya, which was afterwards bombed as a repercussion on the role it played. However, it is important to point out that Israel did not use standard practice during the Entebbe raid although the country appears to have perfected unconventional approaches in counterterrorism.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Music in My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

melody in My Life - Essay ExamplePunk medication signaled the first long time of having a drivers license. Perhaps because of these elements music began to evolve to a new stage, beyond nostalgia or the excitement of a new band. At some point, it became possible to rattling select a mood. The music itself could transform my mental state, lift me from whatever ruminations the day held, and lift me into a place beyond words, even if the music itself contained words. Music is like any other passion when one truly begins to learn about it, it is humbling to realize just how little one knows in the panorama of how much more there is to learn.Music is amazing in its complexity, astounding in its interconnectedness. A musician can even take someone elses variant and make it their own. There are vast differences between Hendrixs and Dylans versions of All Along the Watchtower. The gut-wrenching blues of Leadbellys Black Betty was turned inside out by Ram Jam. Shuggie genus Otis reveale d an internal family revolution from the influence of his father Johnny Otis. Bands such as Widespread Panic or the Alman Brothers still show their hillbilly-folk roots. The politics of folk music redeveloped through the punk music of the Dead Kennedys, or even more recently, through System of a Down. Classical music has been co-opted and turned into such rock-operas as The Whos Tommy or Queensryches two-album Operation Mindcrime.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Conflicting Viewpoints Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflicting Viewpoints - Essay ExampleHowever, the opponents of dirty immigration have their convincing reasons on the issue. They savor that illegal immigrants should be deported. Also, they believe that such immigrants should not be allowed to have access to social services, and they should not be granted US citizenship. They believe that illegal immigrants are criminals in nature, present a social and economic burden to the states law- abiding citizens as well as to the Ameri prats that are taxpayers. My notion on the issue of illegal immigrants is that they should be allowed to stay in the country, if they do not present any social, political or economic threat to the country.I support this view due to a number of reasons. Anyone can become an immigrant in any country. This because it is not always the wish of immigrants to be such situations. unalike reasons force them to become immigrants. For instance, some become illegal immigrants due political unrest in their home coun try others are due to lack of recitation in their countries while others are due to natural disasters in their country of origin. In addition, a majority of the illegal immigrants end up doing the work that close to American citizen will not do. For instance, very few Americans would obligate to work in manufacturing industries unless they are employed at the managerial levels. Similarly, only the poor Americans would agree to work on construction sites. Those Americans found in such places are those in the foremans or engineers level. The rest of the workers are mostly from different countries or the poor Americans with no jobs. The final reason is that illegal immigrants contribute to the economic development of the country (, 2015). Most of the illegal immigrants can be found working in areas where other American may not work while such places are a source of income to them. For instance, if at that place

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Professional values law and ethics case study Essay

Professional values law and ethics case deal - Essay ExampleMr. Arnold informs you that his syringe of Or morph was only half full. Mr. Ahmed who is receiving mitigatory care has been unusually quiet all afternoon. You find the ward infant to inform her about Mr. Arnolds pain and Mr. Ahmed being sleepy all afternoon. The ward sister initially looks horrified but then states the syringes must pick out got mixed up Ill top up Mr. Arnolds pain relief, no harm done. Explore your professional, ethical and legal obligations towards Mr. Arnold and Mr. Ahmed.Doctors along with nurses experience complexities within their palliative care exercise. Hence, they require an excellent perception of moral of ethical standards as strong as precedents. A broad range of health problems as well as ethical challenges exist in the palliative care provision Mr. Arnold and Mr. Ahmed. Its currently known that an excellent perception concerning health ethics whitethorn have a contribution to the medical experts choice-making as well as everydayHealth principles are principally a castigate of applied morals, the learning of ethical principles as well as decisions as they relate to heath care. Its aimed at providing directions as well as regulations for doctors in their research, duty and behavior as well as shares numerous values with related medical principles, for example, nursing principles along with bioethics. In history, it may get introduce back in Hippocrates, an antique Greek doctor of 5th century (Ulrich 2012, 45). He and together with his learners excluded themselves separately from the other doctors of that moment through emphasizing that their go hunting were balanced as well as technical instead of being supernatural or sacred. Numerous health philosophers have emphasized that a doctor must bear an excellent sense as well as discretion (Lachman 2006, 77).Ever since he eighteenth century and over, health providers implemented Hippocratic vow to be the passage right. Likewise, the policy of nursing

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Student Learning Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Student Learning Methods - Essay ExampleLearner-centered education environments are founded on the principal that learning is an active process. Learning is an interaction between the learner and text, involving the activation of prior knowledge and relating new ideas to preexisting schemata. Based on this paradigm learner-centered environments engage the student both personally and intellectually and provide the best method for meeting the needs of all learners.In teacher-centered learning environments, the more traditional and widespread approach, the teacher is viewed as the focal headspring and leader of learning. The teacher is the authority, going the students in the passive role as receivers of knowledge, rather than active constructors of that knowledge. That knowledge is finite and discrete.In teacher-centered learning the lessons are instructionally driven, leaving the students unengaged intellectually and emotionally. These traditional methods include memorization, co mpleting worksheets, reading a text and answering predetermined questions - demonstrating knowledge of the right answer. In this form of learning there is limited activation of prior knowledge, and therefore students struggle to create personally significant meaning. This is because in teacher-centered learning the background, values and interests of the learner are nonexistent. The student is passively filled in with information, rather than engaged in his own learning process. Learning environments are controlled, make and with an emphasis on independent seatwork. Lessons, classwork and preparation are results-driven. This unresponsive and static approach also fails to meet the needs of special needs populations, because lesson goals and objectives are standardized, meaning students must adapt to the methods oftentimes with nigh students unable to engage the teachers attention to meet their needs.AssessmentOne of the most significant challenges in teacher-centered learning is i n assessment. Using traditional methods such as standardized tests rather than qualitative measures, teacher-centered learning places the emphasis on performance and repetition of facts. It leaves little room for students to construct their own meaning based on their own experiences, cultural background, values and interests. This causes a mismatch between goals and assessment. For this reason, many times students can appear to understand material in one format, insofar in another appear unsuccessful during assessments because of the focus on success rather than on learning.Characteristics of Learner-Centered EnvironmentsTheoretical BasisIn learner-centered environments the student becomes the actor in his own learning, and therefore the teacher becomes the facilitator to that learning by designing learningactivities which actively engage the learner. This is based on the theory that all know-ledge is organized in schemata - the underlying connections that allow new experiencesand information to be aligned with previous knowledge (Landry, 2002). Activities Engaging and AdaptiveAs the designer of lessons rather than an authority, and with the correspondence thatStudents exhibit various strengths and weaknesses in learning styles and modalities, theteachers role is to create activities which are varied and engage these differences, ratherthan repress

Monday, June 10, 2019

Career Action Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career Action Plan - Assignment ExampleFurthermore, a marketability analysis would be provided establish on a research of my marketable skills as contrasted with the attributes that ones professional industry is looking for. The evaluation would include which attributes one throwes and which ones have to be worked on. Concurrently, the ideal situation would be detailed through conducting a S.W.O.T. analysis of ones current and ideal situation. In addition, my short-term and long-term goals would in addition be presented in the process. Finally, the steps to success section would discuss the strategies which are to be designed to achieve the explicitly defined career goals.People tag different careers to serve varied personal and professional goals. Some individuals are given the foresight to discern which specific profession to pursue. Others manifest genuine interests in specialized endeavors through possessing innate skills and talents of distinct crafts or fields of study. In m y situation, I have envisioned working in a banking institution as part of the management team. To enable me to prepare for the profession, I am currently pursuing higher education with courses that would match job requirements in business, banking, and finance.Currently, I am not working since as an international student studying in Australia, I have to focus on my studies on a full-time basis. Likewise, I could not undertake any part-time job due to visa restrictions. So far, the only work experience previously undertaken were volunteer works specifically during the holidays when volunteerism in community activities entail providing assistance for building houses for the poor and homeless citizens.Despite the lack of work experience, I have perceived that I possess skills and attributes that would prepare me for future employment. The endeavors undertaken in school, at home, as well as while undertaking

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Conservation of momentum Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conservation of momentum - Lab Report ExampleDuring the audition one should ensure that at least three readings for a fateicular step argon taken then an average of the reading obtained so as to minimize the errors of par every last(predicate)ax. The experiment needs to be done at least twice to confirm the recorded set and minimize the errors. The stop watch and all the apparatus used for the experiment needs to be observed before the beggining of the experiment to ascertain their efficiency. The experiment could also be done in an area with vacuum conditions in order to minimize the interferences in obtaining the readings due to air resistance. The two values for V obtain in part 1 and part 2 are not as close as they are expected. This is so due to the errors during the experiment. Without errors, the two values of velocity should be the same. Reanalyzation of the tale values using the largest h fails to make any significant change in the final results of v (Susan 10). The fact is that the two values fail to be as close as they are expected to be. However repeating the entire experiment while avoiding the experimental errors may give out values that are close to the theoretical

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Essay Example for Free

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee EssayAmericans who have always looked west fightd when subscribe toing about this period should read this support facing eastward. Despite the popularity of the eyewitness accounts, brownish is not an absentee narrator. In the book Brown emphasizes two main points, the language he uses and the plot line of the book. He uses these two things to give the eyewitness accounts as much impact as possible. In the process, he attempts to defile his enemy in all kinds of polar manners The way Brown makes his readers view eastward is by using the faults that have plagued the primaeval Americans. Browns way of emphasizes language allows the readers to connect to the endemic Americans and this allows the book to thrive and continue. This book differs from a lot of other books about congenital Americans, because he uses m whatsoever aboriginal American interpretations. For example, the Sioux and Cheyennes often see trains pass through their land in the P owder River country. Says Brown Sometimes they saw Iron Horses dragging wooden houses on wheels at coarse speed along the tracks .They were puzzled over what could be inside the houses. Brown uses the terms Iron Horses and wooden houses to describe trains and train cars, as a Native American at this time would have perceived them. Brown also uses the Native American designations for U. S. military ranks in his descriptions. For example, to a Native American at this time, a general was known as a Star Chief and a colonel was an Eagle Chief. In addition, Brown refers to prominent American diachronic figures by their Native American names.For example, many Native Americans called General George Armstrong Custer Hard Backsides, because he chased them over long distances for many hours without leaving his saddle . Brown also uses Native American naming systems for natural processes like time. Because Americans during this time divide the year into twelve months and refer to these mont hs by names like puritythorn and June, however, Native Americans referred to these time periods by their relationship to nature.So, in Browns book, May is the Moon When the Ponies Shed and June is the Strawberry Moon. By using understandably Native American interpretations like these in his narration, Brown takes his readers deep into the Native American experience. In the process, the reader begins to identify with the Native Americans. When readers identify with characters, they tend to disembodied spirit sympathy for them. Through Dee Browns thesis, Brown organizes his story to maximize his readers sympathetic emotions.Brown establishes a three? part structure for approximately chapters, which demonstrates again and again that Native Americans lost no matter what they did. Francis Paul Prucha for examples states that The materials have been selected to make the authors point, not to present a balanced view of what happened, from the Native American standpoint or from any othe r. Typically, the chapter begins with a discussion of a chief or tribe who has lost something, generally a piece of their land and still has to a greater extent to lose.For example, in the beginning of the second chapter, Brown notes As the result of two deceptive treaties, the woodland Sioux surrendered nine? tenths of their land and were crowded into a narrow rifle of territory along the Minnesota River. Following the discussion of what has been already lost Brown introduces the second part, the struggle. For Native Americans in the nineteenth century, the struggles were many, whether they decided to go to war or did not. Many tribes in the book do choose to fight to retain their remaining land and freedom.In most cases, the tribes win some battles entirely end up losing the war. The U. S. soldiers are too advanced and numerous to be defeated, something that the Native Americans begin to realize. For example, Little Crow is cautious about fighting at first, because he had been t o the East and seen the power of the Americans. They were everywhere and with cannons they would destroy everything in their path. Even when the Native Americans outnumber the whites, the military technology can be the decisive promoter in the victory.As many Native Americans learned, even though they had bravery, numbers, and massive charges all of that would mean nothing if the Native Americans were armed only with bows, lances, and clubs. In cases where the Native Americans try to remain peaceful, Brown shows many ways that they are provoked into war. In several cases, settlers or miners hungry for the Native Americans remaining land fiesta lies in an effort to get the government to take their land. During the Civil War, Native Americans were sometimes provoked into fighting because it was the safer of two options for white, male citizens.For example, Brown says there was policy-making pressure on soldiers from Coloradans who wanted to avoid the military draft of 1864 by servi ng in uniform against a few poorly armed Indians quite an than against the Confederates farther east. Even after the Civil War, when the draft was no longer an issue, some drafted soldiers used lies to provoke Native Americans and kill them because peace was not fat for the settlers. The final part of Browns argument in most chapters is the ending. Due to the massive struggles that Native Americans faced whether or not they chose to remain peaceful, most chapters end badly.The chiefs, who are often depicted as strong in the beginning and middle of the chapters when they are fighting for their land and people, end up dead, in prison, in exile, or on a reservation with the rest of their people. Even the exceptions to this rule, such as the chapter depicting ruby Clouds successful war, ultimately end negatively. Red Clouds story is an example of the overall structure of the book. The book starts out with many Native Americans living free and retaining parcels of their land.As the st ory progresses and the white emigration start to take over, large armies and groups of white settlers cut down the various tribes. By the end of the book, the effect of white emigration has impacted approximately so much of the country that most Native Americans are dead, in prison, or on scattered reservations. To conclude I felt the effect on the reader is profound. Brown has gotten his readers to root for the underdogs by using eyewitness accounts and language to draw readers into the Native American experience.Yet, in each chapter Brown steadily crushes any hope that the reader might have for the Native Americans winning much of anything by using his plot. By using these strategies, Brown makes his readers feel more into the book by trying to make them sympathize to the Natives. Browns tone, or attitude towards his subject matter, is one of barely restrained outrage, and he wants readers to get angry, too. tom Phillips, another reviewer states, Brown has gone too far at some p oints and is guilty of the same faults as those who created the raditional image of the Native American as savage, alcoholic and expendable.