Thursday, June 20, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

International Marketing - Essay ExampleTraditional thoughts and practices of limiting one company with in the geographical boundaries of the country are antiquated today. Companies, across the globe, are striving to get into newer markets in the form of newer countries. International marketing has become the very integral part of almost all companies of the apply world.According to Doole and Lowe, At its simplest level, international marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mix decisions across national boundaries. At its most complex level, it involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across the globe(Doole & Lowe, 2001).Established in 2000, Initial Fashions has been known for its unique and creative yet qualitative designs. The philosophy of the company states that fashion should ideally reflect latest art and design and is much more than just a employment phenomena. The leading fashion house of Hong Kong also believes that the fashion should reflect ones inner and the outer qualities. The company is credited for its rigorous support in the relevant happenings and events of art and culture.Initial Caf provides whole lot of beverages and food items and includes Espresso, Siphon Coffee, special drinks, cake, cookies, salad and sandwiches. Ice Moca, the food item which has cocoa flavour upon the taste of cocoa is made by mixing coffee beans bought from various countries. Dark chocolate is then added to establish the cocoa flavour.The caf division of the Initial Fashion which uses antique piece of furniture to slow down the pace of the citizens life at the ever-busy shopping centers and streets of Hong Kong has all the attributes to venture in the market of United Kingdom and be successful. As the caf belongs to the service industry, the most important condition to be successful is to maintain the quality. And with the reputation that Initial Caf has, there is little doubt ab out its

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