Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Supreme Courts Judgment in Grutter v Bollinger Case Research Paper

Supreme Courts Judgment in Grutter v Bollinger Case - Research Paper Example In 2003, the Supreme Court delivered a ruling on the case stating that the University of Michigan Law School narrowly tailored use of race in admission decisions was constitutional (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 208). During this case the Supreme Court cleared the air by concluding that having a student body with diverse culture and origin is a compelling state interest hence justifies the use of racial factor in the admission of students, effectively locking out Grutter from admission (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 210). Consequently, the judgment removed prolonged doubt that has existed within learning institutions, encouraging them to use racial factor in making admissions determinations. I strongly agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in promoting racial interactions as well as considerations of the minorities through affirmative action. Even though many scholars such as Richard Sander have greatly proposed the affirmative action on basis that it hurts instead of helping, the truth is that many stakeholders have significantly benefitted from the same (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 209). Affirmative action is a constitutional concept that needs to be upheld with all dignity and integrity. In this regard, the University of Michigan’s Law School admission policy was able to pass the test of scrutiny since strict scrutiny has been considered for a long time as a relevant review standard especially in scenarios where the Constitution faces racial challenges (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 155). Various virtues of diversity within learning institutions were provided by the Supreme Court while delivering its judgment, which explains reasons for enhancing racial diversity through the development of policies that promote affirmative action (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 208).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Emotional climax Essay Example for Free

Emotional climax Essay Continuing the theme of humanity and its behaviour, I believe the following events to be true to that. It is strange that in a play that revolves around its religious puritan upbringing, it also lacks a certain amount of Christian/Satanic or general imagery or symbolism. I would say that in comparison to a play such as Macbeth which relies on its disturbing imagery to convey the involvement of dark forces with the plot, The Crucible uses the reactions and actions of human beings to essentially shock the audience with as opposed to bold and obvious imagery. The preceding actions of the girls is but a taste of the weak human nature that will to some degree be the ruination of the innocents of Salem: the inert readiness to speak out against those who will miss use power and authority to a larger agenda, is the collective attitude that will allow silence to manipulate the villages fate. The tension is released as the anger and madness dies, but the atmosphere is left with a slight air of detectable pessimism as the girls (including Mercy,) leave with no attempt to rectify with Proctor anything he may have heard or stay for Abigails sake- (Id best be off, I have Ruth to watch.) Instead they leave apologetically and sheepishly, I quote- [Mercy sidles out.] Now that the stage is rid of the bulk, only the strong figure of Proctor, a slightly hidden Abigail and mute Betty remain. The scope is quiet, the audience surges with anxiety, as we are now fully aware of the extent of Abigails character and her master schemes for both characters on stage. The stage directions quote- [Abigail has stood as though on tiptoe, absorbing his presence, wide-eyed. He glances at Betty on the bed.] The scene is perfectly set, almost waiting for Abigail to pounce. The remainder of the scene has only dramatic effect in the two characters direct speech and actions. It is the dramatic effect of the language in the dialogue that develops the characters for the benefit of the audience as history repeats- Youre surely sportin with me. The flirtatious attempts of Abigail do nothing but reveal the nature of their relationship. Proctors character is used in the first act and indeed second as a pawn, a strong male presence that conjures up history, friction and feelings between a variety of characters. In this quote, Proctors reply demonstrates their current familiarity, as he obviously feels his would be rude answer appropriate in her case, which suggests history and the blunt coldness of his words suggests a tainted one- You know me better, This is used to great dramatic effect as this quote is an example of what classes this scene a complication. The revelations between the two characters and the audience displays I theorize that in this epitome, a play like The Crucible has numerous complications, which take the severity of the actual complication (the witch hunts,) to a higher level. For example the threat of being accused by one villager is but trivial when the accusation of attempted murder through witchcraft of which Elizabeth and Proctor are fully aware leads to trial, is brought to their knowledge. This accusation of attempted murder is one complication that mounts to a highly climatic and tragic demise. The heated and often dark references that Abigail uses are incredibly direct and delivered with a force that might suggest these are situations that are in need of persuasion. Not only the dramatic tension created by her choice of tactics, but the very level of desperation and inner naivety of the character that results in juvenile actions is incomprehensible! The confusion behind the seemingly innocent Abigail is astounding and her unpredictability creates tension as the audience realises the precarious nature of the play when Abigail is involved. The next scene I will analyse simply overflows with emotion, brought out through the characters ordeals. Elizabeth is featured here, wife of Proctor and the other half of an unhappy marriage. Their struggles seemed to begin and end with that harlot, once again Abigail is at the centre of insular turmoil. Leading up to this scene, we have seen a troubled and excluded couple; as Goody Proctor kisses him with suspicion and keeps their future happiness with it at the root of their marriage, Proctor bites his tongue with his sins past sins upon his shoulders. This scene is one of revelation and the audience sits enthralled as even tension created for the ultimate end disappears, as the couple who obviously still have love for one another quash their insecurities and make their peace. The scene begins with this fluctuation of feelings toward one another still in tact. The atmosphere is one of grief and almost acceptance, as these accusations, deaths and confessions have continued over the past few months (since the previous scene,) and the two characters have bared gruelling witness to it all. Once again, this final appearance of Elizabeth to Proctor needs a more detailed explanation, as the stage directions take the audience through every one of their actions and therefore magnifying the importance of the revelation of this scene, [Alone. Proctor walks to her, halts] The gentle nature of Elizabeth has been taken advantage of, in order to coax proctor into a confession. Elizabeth has taken the opposite course of action and frees him from her suspicious grasp.  Elizabeths query, though perhaps comical when an attempt is made to read it seriously, shows her utter lack of compassion and hope through the injustices of their predicament. Lack of compassion even for her own husband, though her enquiry made is meant in a considerate context- You have been tortured? Elizabeth continues to answer his questions in a cold and blunt manner, (their inhibitions still remain, anticipating the arrival of the emotional climax.) Extending the theme of revelation, this is probed unintentionally by Elizabeth and her remarks, for example she says about the death of Giles Corey, They press him John, more weight he says. Proctors reply is influenced by this, the courage of Corey is taken by Proctor and used to state, I have been thinking I would confess to them Elizabeth. In addition, the quote of Elizabeths instigates she wishes him to form a course of action, which he does in the previous quote. However, her reply is not one of looming suspicion or ruled by mistrust, it overcomes those petit consciences and the character finds the will to say, I cannot judge you John. No matter how Proctor begs for an order, a course of action or reassurance, Elizabeth stands strong and helps him to lose his inhibitions by making his own choice. The scene finally reaches a heart-wrenching climax as Elizabeth delivers the line Only be sure of this, for I know it now: Whatever you will do, it is a good man does it. Whatever the finale, this is a satisfying resolution because the characters have admitted exactly what the audience almost begs them to say, the actors deliver a service of satisfaction. Perhaps the only the example of dramatic imagery is the recurring theme of winter inside the Proctor house, as opposed to the summer and heat in the midst of the Abigail/Proctor love affair. Elizabeth now admits that is was a cold attitude she had towards her husband; a shrivelled marriage that she kept, a cold house. Her admittance of this symbolises the last string of the old relationship broken. The dramatic effective adds to the release of tension between the characters as the entire situation diffuses. Both of the characters fronts falter as they indulge in insular peace, paving the way for the final resolution: the turmoil between husband and wife is finally resolved, Proctor has everything to live for and the strength to do what is need to remain with family and friends- or is it? Unfortunately, the phrase too good to be true springs to mind, and also to the audience. The scene I analysed is in theory the penultimate resolution. It fits this description perfectly, as although it is misleading -because Proctor decides not to have his life and confess, but die with sanctity of name- it is satisfying. Dramatic tension is built extremely subtly behind the contagious joy of peace between the Proctors, foreseeing the ultimate loss of inhibitions for John. True, the character has lost the stubbornness that kept his wife from him, but it is also true to Elizabeths statement that John has not forgiven himself: self confessed sinner he may be, but a proud man is John Proctor. The truth may be that even in death, let alone life would the character not forgive himself for his sins with Abigail. His martyrdom was the release of self-hatred through a noble stand; he held onto the only thing that in his opinion was not tainted, his name. The Crucible recurs the theme of boundaries and limits, with such things as physical limits including the obsession with land, exclusive living (within colonies,) and with names. Proctors boundary was infact the preservation of his name, that is the only earthly piece of self he would not let go of- the only piece of self he realistically had left. This is a truly effective resolution, as the main character is finally at rest: Miller is no hero for surviving the courts, but his duty to society is done, his warning and message still survives fifty years on.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Autonomy and Responsibility in Nazi Germany Essay -- Essays Papers

Autonomy and Responsibility in Nazi Germany Throughout history, the struggle of people finding their rights in society has played a major role, especially in the Nazi ideology. During this struggle, societies tried to determine who had rights, what a person owed to society and the duties of an individual. Nazis believed in the Volk, which meant people in the sense of a race, not individuals. Nazis saw the Volk as the major component in society, and therefore based the rest of their beliefs on a person's place in the society on the idea of preserving the pure Volk. The rights a person obtained were based on achieving this goal of preserving the Volk as well. The Nazi view of autonomy and responsibility of the individuals in Germany at this time can be seen by looking at how an individual in Germany was defined, how they reacted to those not considered Germans, and how they treated their own citizens once they were officially recognized. After World War I, there was a spiritual void left within the people of Germany. The outcome of the war had ripped the German society along the class lines causing great stress and tension among the people. The people of Germany had believed all along that they were winning the war, and therefore the news of surrender came as a great shock to them. To make things worse, the peace treaty established placed the entire fault of the war on Germany and left them responsible for paying for the costs of the war for all who were involved. This sparked a conflict between the middle and working classes in society. Then, the depression followed, creating even more unhappiness among the people. With all of this unhappiness because of the class divisions and the depression, the Nazi... ...It was not a society based upon rights for the good of the individual. End Notes 1 "The Nazi Program." Perry M. Rogers. Aspects of a Western Civilization Volume II: Problems and Sources in History. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997), 311 2 "The Jewish Peril." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 396 3 "The Jewish Peril." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 396 4 "The Jewish Peril," "Not a Single Jew," and "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 396-399 5 "Gas." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 416 6 "The Nazi Program." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 311-312 7 "Speech on the Treaty of Versailles." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 313 8 "The Nazi Program." Rogers, Aspects of a Western Civilization, 312

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Innovation and Reliance

Managing is the term which is connected with the way to handle things and innovation is the term which reflects meaning as thinking new ideas for development. Philip E. Reassured and Cabal Z. Quad(2014) said that solving problems and challenges of enterprises and people with new Ideas Is Innovation. Joe Tied and John Absent (De. 4) also mentioned Innovation as the driven ability of a person to connect things together and take advantage of the opportunity available. Innovations in a business are not only for solving problems, it has a broad sector.Innovation can be related to product innovation, process innovation, position innovation or the innovation related to paradigm. These 4 innovation types are known as ops of innovation. ops Model: John Peasant and Joe Tied have developed this ops model and also given the way to study (2009, p. 1 5) has defined these as: Product innovation: Product innovation is the innovation related to product and service which makes influence on people and market. Process innovation: Process innovation is the innovation related to the way and process how products and services are created or delivered.Position innovation: Position innovation is the term which defines the modification in perception of a company's work sector, e. G. Microsoft is heading to change its work position to Mobile First and Cloud First from Product and services company. Paradigm innovation: Paradigm innovation is related with the mental perceptions of companies or organizations towards people. How companies analyze people need and wants. Innovation is the part of life. Each of us is capable to do innovation but what type of innovation we are looking for. It depends on the need, mentality, ability, wants and direction given by circumstances.There are many of examples of innovation we have seen in our life. Internet being a part of our life, nobody thought that a person can talk to someone face to face even he is thousands of kilometers far. It is a great innovat ion. There are many of examples like this. Microsoft, Apple, Google, TTS, Amazon and a lot more are examples of the companies which are well known of their innovative ideas. Today I am going to talk about the company named ‘Reliance'. Reliance is the company which is working in field of communication, energy, Textiles, infrastructure, petrochemical etc.Paradigm Position Product Process Reliance is the company founded by Mr.. Diarrhea H. Mambas (1932-2002) in INDIA with an idea of Textiles business in late seventies. But it did not stop on the sector of textiles. With the help of its team, Reliance started to make new innovative ideas and irked on strategy to cover energy products which were the base of development, even now too and of course will be in future as well. They worked in polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics, petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas.With the help of this strategy, now Reliance is the largest private sector company of INDIA under the gu idance of its chairman Mr.. Muses Mambas. Reliance website shows what innovative works it has done in years and how it has been one of the most innovative companies. Things which are impressive are as: Reliance had done impossible task. Jamaican, a city in INDIA was a barren land, Agriculture was not Seibel there but Reliance teams' hard work and dedication made it possible and now mangoes grown in that area are famous. It's the innovation which is admirable path of win from lose and mistakes.The example of it is Jangler's craft centre, which was made after capturing the mistakes done by employees in Reliance. Now it's the world's largest craft centre and it has already trained 1, 50,000 workmen and still going on. Using Waste as resources, seems amazing? Yes, Reliance is No. L Company of polyester production in world and with the waste of that production it has setup a new business of filling and stuffing. That is the innovation. Business week (2014) has marked Reliance logistic pr ivate limited as integrated logistic services provider.Reliance offers transport of near about every product liquid, gases, solid products. IQ-We have already seen Reliance as innovative company with strengths like stability, Broad vision, Quick processing, Ability and of course success rate. Actually Reliance has the power to challenge the topmost companies in the world. It is in communication, Energy, Production, Sales, construction and a lot more. Its strengths are: Stability: Reliance's biggest strength is its stability. It's developing with a stable rate from decades. Broad vision: By its broad vision, it has acquired a big part of world's market.Now Reliance is a global company. Grabbing opportunity: Reliance has the capability to grab the opportunity with new market strategies and product. Weakness:- Investment Limitations: Reliance has a lot of funds and its financially stable but for long term investments in compare to its competitors, it is lacking behind a little bit. To overcome this gap, company should find some new investors. At present, company is collecting most its funds through shares and public funds. Reliance can tie-up with other companies to work in different sectors for more investments and profits.Q-l don't see a lot of gaps in company's success but one the major gap where company has to work is to create new easier processes or adapt those new processes which are already been adapted by others. It is very important to walk with or ahead of world for getting success. Conclusion: It is clear; Reliance is one of those innovative companies which are making big impact on the way how people think about innovation. Company need to continue this success rate. For it, company should find omen more possibilities, might be in sports field or entertainment field like movies, T.V. Serials etc. Company's future depends on its stability and ability to think new ideas. Reliance is already working on new ideas continuously and also getting success in i t. Company has to continue this success rate. In my view, Reliance is on its Top-gear of success, it Just needs to do cover the gaps of renewal of products and adopt new technologies. With a very experienced and energetic staff, I believe company will do its best in future and will be one of the top companies in the world. References: Philip E. Reassured & Cabal Z.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Common Characteristics of an Organization Essay

The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 by Walt and Roy Disney, and has become globally known and worth billions. It began as motion picture company and eventually expanded to include television, tourism, hotels, sports, retail, and book publishing. The company’s Mickey Mouse logo is one of the most famous throughout the world and considered to be one the world’s most influential businesses. The Walt Disney Company has five entities that include: The Walt Disney Studios, Parks and Resorts, Disney Consumer Products, Media Networks, and Disney Interactive. The Walt Disney Studios is one of Hollywood’s major film studios today, and includes Pixar Animation and Lucas Films in their group. The Park and Resorts segment of the company includes the theme parks, resorts, and Disney Cruise Lines. Disney Consumer Products includes all merchandise, clothing, toys, and food that is based on their Disney properties. The Disney Media Networks contain various networks and cable channels including, ABC Television Network, ESPN, and the Disney Channels. Disney Interactive includes all of Disney’s social media, websites, and computer games. â€Å"The mission of The Walt Disney Company is be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world.† The resort, media, film, and products target the family audience with a focus on children. The majority of their products, attractions, shows, and films center on the cartoons that the world has grown to love. In the last ten years the company has expanded with the acquisitions of Lucas Films, ABC network, and ESPN sport cable network it expanded to a more mature audience for the company. Nonetheless, the bulk of the companies’ profit comes from their award-winning animated films and the  millions of people that visit the Disneyland resorts every day. The Walt Disney Company is an open system since its profits are based on communication with the public outside the system and their responses to the products and services. â€Å"The more open an organization system is, the more communication it has with those outside the system.† (Richmond & McCroskey, 2009, pg. 4) This type of company needs communication with the outside to determine what direction will be more favorable to maintaining its popularity and reputation as being an innovator. Each segment in the company has their own individual system at work to produce results. For example, The Walt Disney Studios depends on the roles of their producers, animators, designers, directors, and casts to be successful in their department. In 2005, Bob Iger took the reigns as The Walt Disney Company’s CEO and chairman of the organization. Each division and subsidiaries of those have their hierarchy’s within, for example, the President of Pixar Animation Studios is Edwin Catmull. Each subsidiary within the organization has their distinct leadership taking place with Bob Iger overseeing the whole operation. The organization orientation for The Walt Disney Company would be considered as achievement orientation. â€Å"These people are high achievers, sometimes overachievers.† (Richmond & McCroskey, 2009, pg. 88) The employees working within this company work endlessly to come out with best animated films, and innovate the newest attractions for their customers. â€Å"Each of our companies has a unique ability to harness the imagination in a way that inspires others, improves lives across the world and brings hope, laughter and smiles to those who need it most.† The employees within this organization work for one of the most influential companies in the world, and with that platform have the opportunities to make an impact. Leadership within the billionaire dollar organization is crucial to the success and the maintenance to stay at the top. Having positions that require unique skills such as, an animator require leadership skills that keep their employees happy. These types of individuals that work on films and imagine new attractions are not easily replaceable, and for that reason the leadership must maintain a concern for their people. The leadership within the organization must keep in mind deadlines, and constantly focus on the tasks to on schedule for various projects. The leadership approach best suited for this would be a moderate leader. â€Å"This person is concerned with adequate output and will have  adequate concern for personal issues.† (Richmond & McCroskey, 2009, pg. 113) The communication style for management is the consult and join approach when interacting with their employees. The majority of the divisions work with their employees and consultants to produce products, film, and attractions. For the lower level employees working in the tourism divisions of the organization, the management communication approach is more on the telling side. Those types of positions do not require feedback from employees, so the majority of communication is leadership instructing employees to successful complete their operations. The leadership within this organization uses positive reinforcement when handling their employees. Overall, the environment in The Walt Disney Company is positive, and that supportive atmosphere is seen throughout the resorts, stores, and studios. Praises of employees are recognized for their work in films, television, and attractions throughout the company. There is mainly form communication networks throughout this type of organization, but with different flow and impact throughout. In most corporate organizations, there is formal communication where there is a process how critical information is released, and feedback released by upper management, this type would be downward communication. The Walt Disney Company atmosphere for their employees down involve upward communication from lower level employees. Horizontal communication is a flow within the organization and involves the communication from peer to peer. There are thousands of employees within The Walt Disney Company compared to the leadership, and this type of communication can improve employee satisfaction. The Walt Disney Company is poised for more growth and expansion for years to come. The recent acquisitions of Lucas Films, Pixar Animation, and the branching out with television networks will keep the company relevant. This organization has been around for years, and it continues to expand its business within their markets. For years to come, the movies will keep coming out with new characters for c hildren to love and products to purchase. References Jedd, M. (1996). Walt disney’s logistical magic. Distribution, 95(10), 64. Retrieved from The walt disney company. (1995, Sep 10). Toronto Star Retrieved from Disney Company. (2014). In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on President Bush Military Aid

President Bush believes that to restore and maintain order in Iraq and other third world countries, constant military observation is necessary. Bush’s request for more military aid comes from the fact that though the war is over, anarchy remains present in Iraq. There have been more U.S. military deaths after the war then when the war was occurring. Many also now believe that the Al Queda is regrouping and planning to fight back once again. Much of the military aid going towards the United States forces training local military forces in Yemen, the Philippines, and Uzbekistan. Many countries that were once banned from receiving American weapons and assistance are now getting military aid like Pakistan, India, and Jordan. The Afghan conflict is costing about $1 billion a month. Out of the money that is requested by president Bush, nearly half goes to the pentagon. Another billion goes the department of defense for payments to Pakistan, Jordan and other countries who support the â€Å"war on terror†, and another billion to the economic support funds in these countries. Other funds go towards everything from aid to Israel to airport security. I don’t think that this money is being used to its fullest extent. Helping a few countries to defend them selves while many are sick and dieing in other countries. I say, we should fix the problems in our own society before we go off helping everyone else.... Free Essays on President Bush Military Aid Free Essays on President Bush Military Aid President Bush believes that to restore and maintain order in Iraq and other third world countries, constant military observation is necessary. Bush’s request for more military aid comes from the fact that though the war is over, anarchy remains present in Iraq. There have been more U.S. military deaths after the war then when the war was occurring. Many also now believe that the Al Queda is regrouping and planning to fight back once again. Much of the military aid going towards the United States forces training local military forces in Yemen, the Philippines, and Uzbekistan. Many countries that were once banned from receiving American weapons and assistance are now getting military aid like Pakistan, India, and Jordan. The Afghan conflict is costing about $1 billion a month. Out of the money that is requested by president Bush, nearly half goes to the pentagon. Another billion goes the department of defense for payments to Pakistan, Jordan and other countries who support the â€Å"war on terror†, and another billion to the economic support funds in these countries. Other funds go towards everything from aid to Israel to airport security. I don’t think that this money is being used to its fullest extent. Helping a few countries to defend them selves while many are sick and dieing in other countries. I say, we should fix the problems in our own society before we go off helping everyone else....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis N.Sparks True Believer Essay Example

Analysis N.Sparks True Believer Essay Example Analysis N.Sparks True Believer Essay Analysis N.Sparks True Believer Essay Dariya Glazova, group 402 Nicholas Sparks  «True Believer » The text under stylistic analysis presents the excerpt from the novel  «True believer » written by Nicholas Sparks. In this passage the author touches upon the issue of generation gap. He contrasts the grandmother, Doris McClellan, with her grandchild, Lexie. It is known that the adults like to teach their children how they should live their life and Doris isn’t exception. From the very beginning the reader can guess that the granny and her granddaughter are polarities. The author employs the parallel construction  «For Doris, the reason was †¦ For Lexie, the reason was†¦Ã‚ » to enhance this idea. Also we can see that the relationship between these two women are very close because even Lexie is angry with her granny’s interference in her life she loves her with her whole heart. To show that the grandmother’s existence is full of taking care of her lovely treasure the author uses the following choice of word: she meant no harm, frequently wondered aloud, all of her hemming and hawing and such like things. Among the other problems of society Nicholas Sparks raises the question of crisis of women of thirty years in this extract. He draws the reader’s attention to the fact that at her thirties Lexie  «hadn’t settled yet » and she is still in the search of her knight in shining armour. This special kind of her happiness, on the other hand she wants to meet the right guy as every normal girl or woman, is described by the author in the only one masterfully collected word  «her man » and this idea is also strengthened by the graphical expressive mean- the italics of the possessive pronoun her. The powerful effect produced by these stylistic devices is quite unquestionable. But she wants not only to be with the right guy but she wants the only one man who possible never has existed in the real world because he is a figment of her imagination which is created by herself according to the glamorous magazines overstuffed her library. This idea manifests itself through such demands to her chosen one as  «both sensitive and kind, at the same time sweet her off her feet, offer to rub her feet after a long day, challenge her intellectually, buy her flowers for no reason ». Furthermore Sparks draws the parallel between the past and the present which are embodied by main characters. Here we can see that the writer depicts the moral principles of women of the past and the representatives of the gentle sex of modern world. With having a keen eye for details the author claims that in the past women married men who were  «decent, with some principles and had a good job » but modern daughters of Eve want to feel passion for somebody as well and it is not easy for them to get married and find someone special in the whole world. The author’s object in employing the antithesis is quite evident because he enhances the desired effect with the help of this stylistic device. To the conclusion I’d like to wish all the women to find their partner in life but don’t have allusion about your eligible bachelor because everybody architects of his own fortune and also I completely agree with Nicholas Sparks that the excitement alive in the relationship is mostly up to the woman. if I’m wrong, correct me.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

No More Used Cars

No More Used Cars No More Used Cars No More Used Cars By Maeve Maddox Time was, a car that no longer belonged to its original owner was a used car. Clothing that had changed hands was second-hand clothing or, in a family, hand me downs. Not anymore. Apparently, in our consumer society, thrift is still practiced, but admitting to it is not cool. Old clothes are now sold in consignment shops, not second-hand stores. Used cars are advertised as previously owned. but now even that euphemism may be on its way out. This week I received an advertising mailer offering deals on reprocessed cars. At first I thought the printer had made a mistake for repossessed. Apparently the company sending the mailer anticipated such a reaction because a definition was thoughtfully provided: Reprocessed Vehicle (noun) A late model pre-owned vehicle that has undergone a 27-point interior and exterior mechanical and safety inspection and conditioning and has been warranted for reliability. British writer David Rowan offers several more euphemisms for the embarrassing word used : pre-enjoyed, previously cared for, and experienced. Rowan has gathered a fascinating list of very scary euphemisms from serious news stories. Many of the expressions are U.S. coinages. The Pentagon seems to be an especially prolific contributor to the class of words that fall upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outlines and covering up all the details. See how close you can come to what these euphemisms are supposed to mean. fiscal underachiever HRP immediate permanent incapacitation NBC suit real-time precipitation situation sidewalk counseling toy soldier urban camping welcome station wildlife conservation park Check your answers against Rowans list (Update: link no longer online). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?The Six Spellings of "Long E"20 Names of Body Parts and Elements and Their Figurative Meanings

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Real Meaning of the Type of Animal Caregiving Research Paper

The Real Meaning of the Type of Animal Caregiving - Research Paper Example Animal rights advocates have been campaigning for the proper treatment and care of every being other than man. One of the most popular advocacies is the crusade against the use of fur as a wardrobe that well-known fashion models have been supporting. It is also known all over that dog-fighting is highly discouraged. There are a lot of animal rights to enumerate. But as people become aware of the animals’ privileges are they also conscious of proper veterinary care for these beings? Veterinary care is sort of mind, not just the animals’ welfare, but their health in particular. Understanding the term and its etymology will help us understand the real meaning of this type of animal caregiving. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (â€Å"Veterinary†) states that the term veterinary derives from a Latin word veterinarians that pertains to beasts of burden. It is similar to the Latin veter- and fetus that is related to the practice or the knowledge in â€Å"prevention, c ure, or alleviation of disease and injury in animals, especially domestic animals.† The people who practice such skill and knowledge are called veterinarians. They also carry the title of â€Å"doctor.† But veterinarians are often regarded with lesser professional esteem compared to the physicians of human beings. Hence, few have developed an interest in this field. But why is veterinary care important? Apart from rabies, there are already a number of deadly animal diseases known to the world, one of which is avian influenza. These diseases can also be fatal when transmitted to humans.

Case study - company's strategy Research Proposal

Case study - company's strategy - Research Proposal Example The industry information that Mercury is using is far too old to be of any use to the company. A market report cites increasing consumer confidence as the global economy continued to emerge from the post-9/11 recession (A $500 million opportunity in womans better apparel, 2004). Today, financial markets throughout the world are going through convulsions as virtually everyone wonders what the future will bring, whether it will be a corrective recession or full depression. Ellen Blake of Denbleyker Financial notes in her analysis of the company that "Q4 earnings dropped slightly below expectations during 4Q due to a variety of small economic and execution surprises. Management appears to have a good handle on these issues now, and we believe that the stock is a good value at these prices" as Denbleyker Financial raised its assessment of Mercury stock to "Buy" in January 2008. Mercury does not present a threat to Nike and Adidas since it only comprise 9 percent of the global market; thus, it will not be watched by bigger competitors so it is free to chart its own course. However, it has not yet achieved a double-digit share of the global market among adults. The shift should focus on the "tween" market – those who have parents buy shoes for them now, and who later will buy their own. This market segment when taken cared of can be a solid base of customers in the long-term. 1. Continue with current marketing efforts to adult markets and maintain current market share, however, due to recession, marketing tactics should be made. Preserving current market share also will preserve the upward trend in total sales. The third alternative is the choice which is continuing current adult focus but also increasing attention to â€Å"tween â€Å"and teen markets. This is supported by a large study indicating that outside of school hours, each week "people between the ages of 13 and 24 spend 16.7 hours online †¦ 13.6 hours watching

Friday, October 18, 2019

Decision support System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Decision support System - Essay Example Information technology experts are investing heavily in finding out the trends of IT uptake in the business world and utilize this information in key decision making for the organization (Albert & Kenneth, 2004). The demand for IT in businesses increases when customers realize there are programs in the market which are meant to help them avoid errors in decision making which affect their organization negatively through the losses incurred. Application of computers especially for decision support services is broad. There is no area in human existence where right decisions are not important. Whether it is health care settings, not for profit organizations, profit organizations, learning institutions, business organizations and any other place or institution where there is spending or cost incurred, all these require making decisions to strengthen the sustainability of the organization. Whether these are individual or corporate owned, there is need to gather information from consumers d irectly so as to offer products and services which will satisfy them (Albert & Kenneth, 2004). There is no business which operates within a vacuum. It is not very difficult to witness more than one organization which provides similar services, or companies selling goods within the same geographical area. Sometimes there goods which are originating from different companies present in retail outlets and customers do choose one item and leave the other. These decisions which customers make are based on several factors which attract them. In order to attract customers and influence their decisions to buy one product and leave another of the same type manufacturers spend so much in advertising their products to many people (Basil, 2010). The outcome of those promotional efforts is the large number of customers who demand for their products, thus boosting their capital base and profit. The quality of products or services also contributes much on the customers’ demand of those servi ces or products. It is important that clients take their time to provide goods and services which will be able to meet the basic standards in a given setting since every country has a board which oversees the sale and distribution of goods and services to ensure that consumers are protected from counterfeit products and services. Other external factors which affect a business organization include the political, legal and social systems in a particular country. It is important to understand the preferences of people you expect to be your customers for the products and services you offer. The behaviors, habits, customs and practices of people usually have a strong foundation which is sometimes very difficult to change. Therefore before you decide to invest in certain products while having a certain population in mind as your target population; it is important to consider the social nature of these people since it influences the purchasing habits of these people. The legal system is al so important in a given country since it lays a framework under which a business should operate. When investing in a foreign country it will be important to gather information on the laws which exist in that country so as to ensure you don’t incur unnecessary costs which come as fines due to breaking of business laws. These are some of the factors which aff

The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster Assignment - 1

The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster - Assignment Example In this paper, the author describes and comments on the various aspects of the accident. First, the author describes the events leading to the explosion. Next is a discussion of the main causes of the accident. Next, the author describes the steps that could have been taken to avert the accident. After that, a description of the prevailing culture within NASA is provided, accompanied with a discussion of how that culture might have impacted the decisions of NASA engineers and staff. The author then comments on the management of NASA and how the institution implements its systems and procedures. Finally, the author sums up the main points of the paper. Initially, Challenger had been scheduled to launch from the Kennedy Space Centre (KSC) in Florida on January 22 at 14:42 Eastern Standard Time (EST). However, the launch did not happen as had been planned due to delays in the preceding mission, STS-61-C(McConnel, 1986). Consequently, Challenger launched was pushed forward to January 23 then January 24. The launch was once more moved to January 25 owing to unfavourable weather conditions at the Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL) centre in Dakar, Senegal. NASA decide to use Casablanca as an alternative TAL, but because it lacked facilities for night landings, the launch was once more rescheduled for the morning of January 26, Florida time. Then, it was predicted that the weather at KSC would be unfavourable, so the lift-off was moved to January 27 at 9:37 EST. Again, the launch failed to take off due to problems registered in the exterior access hatch. By the time engineers solved the problems, the wind speed had increases substantially such that a launch was impossible. It was under these circumstances that the launch eventually happened on January 28, even though weather forecasts had predicted an unusually cold morning with temperatures close to -10C, the lowest possible temperature at which a launch may happen.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Negative Effects of a Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negative Effects of a Monopoly - Essay Example A monopoly reduces consumers’ purchasing power through the increase in the price of services or products. Being the only provider of service or product, the company in power sets the rate at its own will. An example of that is the Pfizer Company, the maker of the Viagra pill, that charged customers a lot because no other pill could be compared to Viagra in effect. Consumers are thus forced to pay a higher price for a service or product that is not actually worth that price. Such system leads to a decline in the standard of living and wellbeing of the society. A monopoly equips the sole vendor to reduce the quality of service or product. As there is no competitor in the market, the sole provider knows that consumers have no option but to purchase the service or product even with a lower quality. The sole provider does not feel obliged to invest much in the business in terms of resources and accordingly, the end product does not measure up to the required standard of quality. A monopoly creates unemployment. As more and more businesses are driven out of the market because of the power of the sole provider, people employed in those businesses become jobless. They either have to regain skills related to another profession or somehow become part of the sole provider. Either way, these jobless people have to go through a lot of emotional, psychological, and financial problems to achieve their destination. Many people with higher skills, hence, have to work at much lower salaries than what would be justified considering their level of education and skills.

Worldcultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Worldcultures - Essay Example In fact, some of their great architectural works still stand strong in major towns and cities across the globe. However, one is left wondering whether the modern architectural works would withstand the test of time and last long as the structures build in the ancient Rome. The great work of the Romans can still be seen and emulated because of the superior architectural ideas and engineering skills they used and the kind of reputation they built put of their great work that certainly made them conquer the world, influence and rule it for this long. Jenkins reveals that the Romans did their architectural works with a lot of dedication and professionalism with the aim of producing a useful architecture3. To ensure that this is accomplished, they ensured that thorough planning was done before starting any construction works. It is for this reason that buildings, bridges, marketplaces, cities and harbors contracted by the Romans are still admirable to much architecture to date and are adopting their styles in the construction according to Jenkins4. Brown notes that the Romans employed different styles in their building, which influenced many architectural pieces5. The arch is a perfect example, which is a structure made using a mixture of the bricks, stone, and concrete. The arch was meant to give strength to or support buildings. The arches were mainly blocks, which are wedge-shaped and were to be supported using wooden materials during construction. The arches created by the ancient Romans were very strong and could withstand a lot of weight. To ensure that this is so, they used a mixture of volcanic sand and lime to create a strong and durable concrete. The strong concretes made from these mixtures were then be used to build strong and beautiful structures like the aqueducts used for supplying water to the major cities as noted by Brown6. Immediately after this remarkable accomplishment, other

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Negative Effects of a Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negative Effects of a Monopoly - Essay Example A monopoly reduces consumers’ purchasing power through the increase in the price of services or products. Being the only provider of service or product, the company in power sets the rate at its own will. An example of that is the Pfizer Company, the maker of the Viagra pill, that charged customers a lot because no other pill could be compared to Viagra in effect. Consumers are thus forced to pay a higher price for a service or product that is not actually worth that price. Such system leads to a decline in the standard of living and wellbeing of the society. A monopoly equips the sole vendor to reduce the quality of service or product. As there is no competitor in the market, the sole provider knows that consumers have no option but to purchase the service or product even with a lower quality. The sole provider does not feel obliged to invest much in the business in terms of resources and accordingly, the end product does not measure up to the required standard of quality. A monopoly creates unemployment. As more and more businesses are driven out of the market because of the power of the sole provider, people employed in those businesses become jobless. They either have to regain skills related to another profession or somehow become part of the sole provider. Either way, these jobless people have to go through a lot of emotional, psychological, and financial problems to achieve their destination. Many people with higher skills, hence, have to work at much lower salaries than what would be justified considering their level of education and skills.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Total Quality Management - Essay Example Total quality management has changed the traditional management style forever. It was a very radical movement those days. Some of these changes are radical even today. Few of these changes are discussed below. The traditional way of management focused on internal activities. Quality had a meaning which was totally internally defined. Products or services provided by the organization were assumed to be good in quality if this organization has done its best in producing that product or service. But in total quality management, the focus is the customer. So that ultimate decider of the quality is the customer. Fitting to the customer requirement was the least requirement while delighting them is the ultimate goal. Traditionally people thought bad quality products are due to the workers who do not perform their job correctly. One of the major differences between total quality management and traditional management style is the assignment of the responsibility of the quality to the management. Especially responsibility of the quality goes into the middle-level management at the operational level. Total quality management is an organization-wide movement. All the organization has to be in unity to apply TQM principles. Total quality management, unlike traditional management, calls for a high amount of team working. ... Quality is inbuilt to the system so that products are assured to be in good quality. Some decision like narrowing down the supplier base is total quality management concepts used for this purpose, which is revolutionary still today.   Unlike in traditional management style, total quality management makes decisions on facts and figures. Therefore problems are identified correctly. Therefore solutions are well planned. TQM depends on cyclic thinking. Also, it is continuous. Therefore improvements are small, stable and continuous in nature. This is also known as Kaizen. These events are used in teambuilding, brainstorming, and decision making.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marilyn Manson and His Impact on Sub-culture Essay Example for Free

Marilyn Manson and His Impact on Sub-culture Essay Marilyn Manson has been pushing the envelope of the right to freedom of expression since his controversial shock rock antics began in the early 1990s. His methods are strange and rejected by most of society, as it cannot understand what he is trying to achieve. Many people believe that Marilyn Manson is bizarre, seeing him wearing womens clothing, applying heavy facial makeup, and covering himself with jewelry. His success can be attributed not only to his entertainment abilities, but even more so to the incredible marketing campaign organized to promote himself and his crazy actions. His actions give the media a scapegoat to fall back on and a figure which they can blame all of societys problems. He has amassed a large following throughout the 1990s and even today as the self-proclaimed Anti-Christ Marilyn Manson. His fans understand where he has come from, what he has been through and are familiar with rejection from society. The Marilyn Mansons following is normally associated with the Gothic or Goth subculture. At first examination, this seems to be the case as Manson followers and those of the Goth community share remarkable similarities; although true Goths label Manson follows as merely Spooks or Mall Goths, and not real members of the Gothic following. The similarities have been exploited by the media and have linked his music to violent acts against society. It was following the Columbine incident that the media began routinely tagging Marilyn Manson as goth rock despite the fact that Mansons music had little relation to gothic music or sub-culture. (Marilyn, Wikipedia) This essay will explore the reasons why Marilyn Manson is who he is today, why he has such an influence over a particular subculture, and if these followers are actually part of the Gothic community. Who Is Marilyn Manson? Marilyn Manson, the alias and alter-ego of Brian Warner, was created using Marilyn Monroe and serial killer Charles Manson two opposites in society. (Marilyn, Brian Warner, who formed the band in 1989 and whose apparent business savvy and flair for controversy turned them into a success. Using androgyny, satanic images and themes of rebellion and death, Manson irked bystanders and proved that outrageous rock was still a viable form of entertainment. (Marilyn, The band originally started in South Florida as a small industrial Goth band, and by 1990, Marilyn Manson, along with four other musicians became Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. They opened for Nine Inch Nails (NIN), and Trent Reznor was very impressed with them and would help them in the future in many different ways. They got a contract from Trent Reznors new label Nothing and got a spot on Nine Inch Nails 94 tours. Manson got to meet Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey. He is the founder of the Church of Satan. Dr. LaVey named Manson as a priest of the Church of Satan. Hence, the title Reverend was given to Manson. (Stanton, Bizarre) Mansons interest in Satanism began when he as a young boy. He spent most of his childhood at his grandparents home. Manson and his friend didnt have anything to do except explore his grandfathers (Jack Warner) basement. They find out that his grandfather is a cross-dresser and a user of explicit pornographic material such as bestiality. This is where Manson was first introduced to perversity. He attended a Christian school and had Christian beliefs forced upon him even though he was Episcopalian. He was teased and ridiculed because of this. This aside, he always knew that their was something different about him. After being detested by his peers, he gradually began to hate his school and take exception to everything that he was told. He turned to music to free him of the troubles that exist in his life, and instead finds out who he really is. He becomes the exact kind of person that he was once scared of as a youth. (Long, Manson and Strauss) Manson began his teenage years in public school where sex, drugs, rock, and the occult were laid in front of him and he began embrace them. Here he meets many people with the same interests as he has. Manson also begins to experience his sexuality with women. From his school experiences to his  involvement with sexuality, Manson begins terrorizing the people who have mistreated him. He started to experiment with black magic, began an enduring drug habit, and displayed his disgust for mainstream citizens by stealing from stores. All of this is what Brian Warner was, and who Marilyn Manson was to become. (Long, Manson and Strauss) As Mansons reputation developed, so did the disturbance surrounding him and his actions. His concerts were regularly protested by civil rights groups, and his music was the target attacks from religious and more specifically, Christian groups. This image was created using Mansons genius for marketing. At the peak of this controversy, Manson had a cover story in Rolling Stone Magazine as well as a best selling autobiography: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. Why Does He Have Such A Following? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Bill of Rights) Manson, along with many other artists, fully embraces their first amendment right to free speech to get their message across. This message mainly appeals to younger generations who can relate to Mansons songs. Younger audiences are more accepting of his attitude and beliefs, partly due to the fact that teens are more susceptible to mass influence and are easily confused. His communication and identification through music allowed him to amass a loyal following of discontented teens, also know as Mansonites. Mansonite can also be used to refer to anyone who has chosen to identify with the Goth subculture without having any idea of its actual nature or composition. Generally, an overnight Goth, or Spooky Kid, will adopt certain aspects of the Goth aesthetic (predominantly black clothing, copious amounts of eyeliner) and loudly proclaim themselves Goth. (Mansonite, Older generations are quick to assume that it is Mansons antics which appeals to his followers. But, if no attention was paid to Manson, and his songs and actions didnt receive the attention that they do, there wouldnt be such controversy over his religious beliefs or whether he is actually influencing delinquent teens. Teens that are labeled as outcasts can identify with Manson because the media portrays him as an outcast. He dresses differently, often in womens clothing and he pretends to be a homosexual something which is a hot topic of acceptance in todays society. Teenagers these days have very short attention spans and turn to someone like Manson to entertain them by doing extreme things. The Emergence of Spooky Kids goth (g th) n. A style of rock music that often evokes bleak, lugubrious imagery. A performer or follower of this style of music Courtesy of Mall Goth or Spooky Kid is a disparaging term for someone not supposed to be a real Goth, whose commitment to the Gothic is seen as shallow, pretentious, or dependent on shopping mall-purchased Goth clothes. Their taste is narrowly subjective to mallcore/nu-metal. There have been accusations that (some of, at least) those who listen to the music of Marilyn Manson, Korn, and Slipknot are mall goths. Many mall goths shop at the popular clothing store Hot Topic. (Mall Goths, Real Gothists would refer to Mansonites as posers, who pretend to know about a particular subculture, but in reality only know a few choice buzz-words and what style of clothes to wear. The Real Goth Subculture How do you define Goth? Goth is short for Gothic, and we typically associate Goth with people that wear black or blood-red coloured clothing . These clothes are often made of leather, lace, and fishnet, and are adorned with spikes, studs, or other shiny metal objects. Sometimes metallic, black, or dark makeup is worn by both the male and females. Some go so far as  permanent body modifications such as full body tattoos, tongue splitting, or vampire teeth implants. Those in the Goth scene tend to view the Goth concept rather as an expression of individuality, something they take part in because it seems comfortable and natural for them to do so, rather than because its something they want to be. And as such, Goth is a state of mind. Goth is not about being cool-hip, up-to-date. Goth is more about being cool-chilly as in unemotional, detached, unmoved at least on the surface. Theres an inner calmness, tranquility to it. A need for being given and giving the others space to be at one with themselves. Respect towards the individual at least as long as it is a fellow Goth. (Goth, BBC) After conducting a thorough research of the particular subculture, it really is difficult to define Goth. It is ambiguous and open for interpretation. If Marilyn Manson followers acts or dresses a certain way because of their expression for individuality, then they could be considered Goth. If a Marilyn Manson follower acts or dresses a certain way just to follow the crowd or fit in with this subculture, then, based on the quote above, they would not be considered Goth. Works Cited: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell: Marilyn Manson Neil Strauss Regan Books (April 1, 1999) Goth A Lifestyle, BBC Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson,, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Mall Goth, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Mansonite,, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson, Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson, Available via HTTP: Stanton Lavey, Bizarre Magazine Available via HTTP: The Bill of Rights, US Department of State Available via HTTP:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Violence Against Women Essay -- Violent Violence Abuse Essays

Violence Against Women The articles that are going to be synthesized in this paper are â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† and â€Å"Violence Against Women†. The authors of both pieces were not mentioned but the presumed to be someone who wants to prevent or help those who have been victimized by someone they know. The audiences for both pieces are any one who wants violence against women to stop and people who have and still are being victimized to know that there is help out there. The purpose for both pieces are the same as well, they are to inform people that violence against women is preventable, and that there is help for those who are or have been victimized by people. They both have logos, ethos, and pathos in every aspect of the articles. The logos in â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† is one in three women have been victimized by someone they know. The logos in â€Å"Violence Against Women† are violence against women happens to one in four females in America. The ethos in â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† and â€Å"Violence Against Women† is this should happen to no one no matter if they are male or female. The pathos in â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† is the whole of the person no matter what kind of abuse it is. The pathos in â€Å"Violence Against Women† is it can devastate the whole of any women. Hence, violence against women should be stopped because the differences and similarities are equal to how bad things are for women and their inequalities. The article â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† is about how violence towards the females of our species is getting out of hand. Gender based violence needs to be stopped because it has gotten out of hand women being beaten by someone she knows like a family member. It... ...nancy outcomes. Abuse has a major, although little recognized, impact on a woman’s reproductive health and sexual well being. Providers can reassure women that violence is unacceptable and that no women deserves to be beaten, sexually abused, or made to suffer emotionally. Therefore violence against women should be punishable to all those who choose to beat the special someone in their lives. Violence against women should be put to a stop because the differences and similarities are equal to how bad things are for women and their inequalities. The differences between them are both interesting and appalling at the same time. The similarities are very appalling but why a person would make someone else do what they wanted by beating the person they supposedly love. Why must women be the submissive type when men want to be just as submissive as women are?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Social Stratification Essays -- Papers

Inequalities exist in all types of human society. Even in the simplest cultures where variations in wealth or property are non-existent, there are inequalities between individuals, men and women, the young and the old. A person may have a higher status than others because of a particular prowness at hunting, for instance, or because he or she is believed to have special access to the ancestral spirits. To describe inequalities, sociologists speak of Social Stratification. Social Stratification lies at the core of society and of the discipline of sociology. Social inequality is a fundamental aspect of virtually all-social processes and a person's position in the stratification system is the most consistent predictor of his/her behaviour, attitudes, and life chances. "Social Stratification is a characteristic of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences." Social Stratification persists over generations. Social Stratification is universal but not variable. It involve s not only inequality but also beliefs. 'It is useful to think of stratification as rather like the geological layering of rock in the earth's surface,' Societies can be seen as consisting of 'strata' in a hierarchy, with the more favoured at the top and the less privileged at the bottom." If we look back at the year 1912, when the Titanic sank, we can make a connection with social inequality for the way people lived back then. When we watched the blockbuster hit in 1997, we were shown how much of an impact that social inequality had on the lower class passengers. Women and children had the highest survival rate. Those who held a first class ticket, more than 60% of those survived because their cabins were on the upper decks. Only 1/3 of the third cla... ...ibility, and however imperfectly measured in the existing social classification. Of course, we recognise that in contemporary society, people are less likely spontaneously to describe their own experiences in the language of class. They search for more direct and specific determinants of their life chances to put alongside their recognition of class, and they recognise the independent part played by age, gender, and ethnicity. We do not, then, live in a 'classless' society, though we do live in a society whose members no longer spontaneously and unambiguously use the language of class as the obvious, taken-for-granted way of describing social inequalities. Class is not dead, but perhaps the monolithic social imagery of class has, indeed, had its day. It is this, which makes our society a functional one, and what will help shape it to be a stronger one in the future.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 32

I turned my back to the estate and began walking, then running, on the dirt road into town. Somehow, I felt that my feet barely touched the ground. I ran faster and faster, but my breath stayed the same. I felt that I could run like this forever, and I wanted to, because every step was taking me farther and farther away from the horrors I'd witnessed. I tried not to think, tried to block the memories from my mind. Instead I focused on the light touch of the earth as I quickly placed one foot in front of the other. I noticed that even in the darkness, I could see the way the mist shimmered on the few leaves that still clung to the trees. I could hear the breath of squirrels and rabbits as they scampered through the forest. I smelled iron everywhere. The dirt road changed into cobblestone as I entered town. Getting to town seemed to have taken no time at all, though normally I traversed the same distance in no less than an hour. I slowed to a stop. My eyes stung as I glanced slowly from left to right. The town square looked different somehow. Insects crawled in the dirt between the cobblestones. Paint flaked off the walls of the Lockwood mansion, though it had been built only a few years ago. There was disrepair and decay in everything. Most pervasive was the smell of vervain. It was everywhere. But instead of being vaguely pleasant, the scent was all-consuming and made me feel dizzy and nauseated. The only thing that countered the cloying scent was the heady smell of iron. I inhaled deeply, suddenly knowing that the only remedy against the vervain-induced weakness was in that scent. Every fiber of my body screamed that I had to find the source of it, had to nourish myself. I looked around, hungrily, my eyes rapidly scanning from the saloon down the street to the market at the end of the block. Nothing. I sniffed the air again, and realized that the scent–the glorious, awful, damning scent–was coming closer. I whirled around and sucked in my breath as I saw Alice, the pretty young barmaid from the tavern, walking down the street. She was humming to herself and walking unevenly, no doubt because she'd sampled some of the whiskey she'd been serving all night. Her hair was a red flame against her pale skin. She smelled warm and sweet, like iron and wood smoke and tobacco. She was the remedy. I stole into the shadows of the trees that flanked the street. I was shocked by how loud she was. Her humming, her breathing, each uneven footfall registered in my ear, and I couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't waking up everyone in town. Finally, she passed by, her curves close enough to touch. I reached out, grabbing her by her hips. She gasped. â€Å"Alice,† I said, my voice echoing hollowly in my ears. â€Å"It's Stefan.† â€Å"Stefan Salvatore?† she said, her puzzlement quickly turning to fear. She trembled. â€Å"B-but you're dead.† I could smell the whiskey on her breath, could see her pale neck, with blue veins running beneath her skin, and practically swooned. But I didn't touch her with my teeth. Not yet. I savored the feeling of her in my arms, the sweet relief that what I'd spent the last moments insatiably craving was right in my hands. â€Å"Shhh †¦,† I murmured. â€Å"Everything will be all right.† I allowed my lips to graze her white skin, marveling at how sweet and fragrant it was. The anticipation was exquisite. Then, when I couldn't take it anymore, I curled my lips and plunged my teeth into her neck. Her blood rushed against my teeth, my gums, spurting into my body, bringing with it warmth and strength and life. I sucked hungrily, pausing only when Alice went limp in my arms and her heartbeat slowed to a dull thud. I wiped my mouth and looked down at her unconscious body, admiring my handiwork: two neat holes in her neck, just a few centimeters in diameter. She wasn't dead yet, but I knew she would be soon. I slung Alice over my shoulder, barely feeling the weight and barely feeling my feet hit the ground as I ran through town, into the woods, and back to the quarry.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Transition Metals

Transition Metals 1a) The d-orbitals of a free transition metal atom or ion are degenerate (all have the same energy. ) However, when  transition metals  form  coordination complexes, the d-orbitals of the metal interact with the electron cloud of the ligands  in such a manner that the d-orbitals become non-degenerate (not all having the same energy. ) The way in which the orbitals are split into different energy levels is dependent on the geometry of the complex. Crystal field theory  can be used to predict the energies of the different d-orbitals, and how the  d-electrons  of a transition metal are distributed among them.When the d-level is not completely filled, it is possible to promote and electron from a lower energy d-orbital to a higher energy d-orbital by absorption of a photon of electromagnetic radiation having an appropriate energy. Electromagnetic radiations in the visible region of the spectrum often possess the appropriate energy for such transitions. The magnitude of the splitting of the d-orbitals in a transition metal complex depends on three things: * the geometry of the complex * the oxidation state of the metal * the nature of the ligands(Kotz, J.C 1987) Kotz, J. C. ; Purcell, K. F. Chemical and Chemical ReactivitySaunders: New York, 1987, Chapter 25. Rodgers, G. E. Introduction to Coordination, Solid State, and Descriptive Inorganic ChemistryMcGraw -Hill: New York, 1994, Chapter 4. b. The origin of colour in complex ions containing transition metals Complex ions containing transition metals are usually coloured, whereas the similar ions from non-transition metals aren't. That suggests that the partly filled d orbitals must be involved in generating the colour in some way.Remember that transition metals are defined as having partly filled d orbitals. Octahedral complexes For simplicity we are going to look at the octahedral complexes which have six simple ligands arranged around the central metal ion. The argument isn't really any different if you have multidentate ligands – it's just slightly more difficult to imagine! | When the ligands bond with the transition metal ion, there is repulsion between the electrons in the ligands and the electrons in the d orbitals of the metal ion.That raises the energy of the d orbitals. However, because of the way the d orbitals are arranged in space, it doesn't raise all their energies by the same amount. Instead, it splits them into two groups. The diagram shows the arrangement of the d electrons in a Cu2+ion before and after six water molecules bond with it. Whenever 6 ligands are arranged around a transition metal ion, the d orbitals are always split into 2 groups in this way – 2 with a higher energy than the other 3.The size of the energy gap between them (shown by the blue arrows on the diagram) varies with the nature of the transition metal ion, its oxidation state (whether it is 3+ or 2+, for example), and the nature of the ligands. When white lig ht is passed through a solution of this ion, some of the energy in the light is used to promote an electron from the lower set of orbitals into a space in the upper set. Each wavelength of light has a particular energy associated with it. Red light has the lowest energy in the visible region.Violet light has the greatest energy. Suppose that the energy gap in the d orbitals of the complex ion corresponded to the energy of yellow light. The yellow light would be absorbed because its energy would be used in promoting the electron. That leaves the other colours. Your eye would see the light passing through as a dark blue, because blue is the complementary colour of yellow. | | | Examples: http://www. chemguide. co. uk/inorganic/complexions/colour. html#top 2. Transition metal compounds are  paramagnetic  when they have one or more unpaired  d  electrons. 15]  In octahedral complexes with between four and seven  d  electrons both  high spin  and  low spin  states a re possible. Tetrahedral transition metal complexes such as  [FeCl4]2? are  high spin  because the crystal field splitting is small so that the energy to be gained by virtue of the electrons being in lower energy orbitals is always less than the energy needed to pair up the spins. Some compounds are  diamagnetic. These include octahedral, low-spin,  d6  and square-planar  d8  complexes. In these cases,crystal field  splitting is such that all the electrons are paired up.Ferromagnetism  occurs when individual atoms are paramagnetic and the spin vectors are aligned parallel to each other in a crystalline material. Metallic iron and the alloy  alnico  are examples of ferromagnetic materials involving transition metals. Anti-ferromagnetism  is another example of a magnetic property arising from a particular alignment of individual spins in the solid state (. adapted from ‘’Transition Metalsa,’’ 2012, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wik i/Transition_metal#Coloured_compounds) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Transition_metal#Coloured_compounds) 3.Catalytic properties The transition metals and their compounds are known for their homogeneous and heterogeneous  catalytic  activity. This activity is ascribed to their ability to adopt multiple oxidation states and to form complexes. Vanadium(V) oxide (in the  contact process), finely divided  iron  (in the  Haber process), and  nickel  (in  Catalytic hydrogenation) are some of the examples. Catalysts at a solid surface involve the formation of bonds between reactant molecules and atoms of the surface of the catalyst (first row transition metals utilize 3d and 4s electrons for bonding).This has the effect of increasing the concentration of the reactants at the catalyst surface and also weakening of the bonds in the reacting molecules (the activation energy is lowering). (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Transition_metal#Coloured_compounds). The d orbitals ar e what give transition metals their special properties. In transition metal ions the outermost d orbitals are incompletely filled with electrons so they can easily give and take electrons. This makes transition metals prime candidates for catalysis.Transition metal catalysts can be very useful for oxidation/reduction reactions because their outer electrons are especially susceptible to oxidation and reduction. If an oxidized transition metal runs into a molecule it can take electrons from that molecule, thereby oxidizing the molecule. If a reduced transition metal runs into a molecule it can give the molecule electrons and reduce it. Because transition metals are easier to oxidize and reduce than other elements, this process goes faster!Transition metals can both lend electrons to and take electrons from other molecules. By giving and taking electrons so easily, transition metal catalysts speed up reactions. (http://www. chemeddl. org/resources/TSTS/Stahl/Stahl9-12/Transitionorbital s9to12. html) Transition metals as catalysts Iron in the Haber Process The Haber Process combines hydrogen and nitrogen to make ammonia using an iron catalyst. Nickel in the hydrogenation of C=C bonds This reaction is at the heart of the manufacture of margarine from vegetable oils.However, the simplest example is the reaction between ethene and hydrogen in the presence of a nickel catalyst. Transition metal compounds as catalysts Vanadium(V) oxide in the Contact Process At the heart of the Contact Process is a reaction which converts sulphur dioxide into sulphur trioxide. Sulphur dioxide gas is passed together with air (as a source of oxygen) over a solid vanadium(V) oxide catalyst. Iron ions in the reaction between persulphate ions and iodide ions Persulphate ions (peroxodisulphate ions), S2O82-, are very powerful oxidising agents.Iodide ions are very easily oxidised to iodine. And yet the reaction between them in solution in water is very slow. The reaction is catalysed by the pr esence of either iron(II) or iron(III) ions. * http://www. chemguide. co. uk/inorganic/transition/features. html#top 4. Test For Gases & Ions : http://www. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk/Secondary/Science/14-16forEdexcel/EdexcelIGCSEBiologyChemistryPhysics/Samples/ChemistryRevisionGuide/ChemistryRevisionGuideChapter16. pdf Also Refer to Slide !

Realities of the Food Industry: A Review of the Film Food Inc Essay

In today’s time, threats to a person’s well-being do not just come from crimes and natural calamities. One of the biggest dangers Americans face are the negative consequences of the nation’s continuously prospering food industry. Robert Kenner’s 94-minute documentary film entitled Food Inc. revealed shocking truths and exposed the terrifying realities of how food is produced in America. Because of the vast changes that have taken place in the industry for the past years, several harmful practices have also developed not only in the eating habits of Americans but also in the way food is being produced. The film is about the corruption that is taking place in the food industry that is deliberately eating up the health of the nation. Food is a necessity to all the people. Sadly, it is also one of the most profited oriented industries in America. The documentary film reveals how the industry had been so encouraged to provide â€Å"faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper† products to their consumers in order to ensure good profits. It appears that we are receiving better supplies of food, but truth is, these new varieties of food are more harmful to people. Food Inc. disclosed that there are so many new products and foods are being sold today but they are all under the sacrifice of more people acquiring difficult diseases, animals and workers being abused, livelihood of farmers getting less, and environment getting punished. For a very long time, giant food companies and relevant government agencies have actually tried to keep these important but degrading things hidden from American consumers. The film exposed how companies are profiting from consumer’s health in the way they produce food. Other than making the production faster and more stable, technology and usage of chemicals have also resulted to the increase of the risks and health damages that people can experience. Even vegetables are not safe anymore. New species of bacteria had appeared and Americans have become more defenseless than ever. Food Inc. exposed how giant companies are more interested in making their business rich very fast without even giving sufficient consideration for the health of their consumers. What makes matters worse is how the government adds up to the problem. The film reveals that government regulatory agencies that should be monitoring the industry and ensuring the safety of the people are actually creating more ways to protect the profiting companies. Food Inc. highlights on the controversial law that prohibits the revealing of how food in being produced and the criticizing of food products. This law is one of the significant reasons why many Americans remain ignorant to the real situation and instead suffer the consequences of sickness, diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Food Inc. is a powerful and haunting film that had proved to be informative and motivating for people to re-think their food intake. More than just presenting the horrible realities of the industry, the documentary also presented possible solutions or small steps that each consumer could take in order to make a change. If the government continues to aid the anomalous practices of these companies, then public awareness should be heightened by advocacy campaigns that demand healthier supply of food. This film is just one of the perfect examples of how to campaign against the terrible truths in the food industry. The film also disproved the notion that consumers cannot do anything against the powerful companies that abuse them. Experts highlight the consumers do have the capacity to change things and correct all the irresponsible, damaging practices of the industry. If consumers would take actions on the awareness and start demanding for more nourishing foods, companies will have no choice but to produce more nutritious products. Works Cited Food Inc. Dir. Kenner, R†¦ Magnolia Pictures, 2009. DVD. â€Å"Food Inc. † Internet Movie Database. Web. 30 April 2010. .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ensuring Economic Opportunities for Young Americans Essay

Ensuring Economic Opportunities for Young Americans - Essay Example Department of Labor), Algernon Austin (Director of the race, ethnicity, and the economy program Economic Policy Institute), Matthew Segal (Founder & Co-Chair 80 Million Strong, Dorothy), Dorothy Stoneman (President and founder YouthBuild USA) and D. Mark Wilson (Principal Applied Economic Strategies, LLC). The positions taken by each participant on the issue has been briefed as under. At the beginning of the session, Chairman Miller gave a concise opening speech on the alarming rate at which the unemployment among young Americans is on a rise. He briefed about the worsening economic conditions of the nation, comparable to the aftermath of the Second World War, due to which the younger generation in some instances have to compete with the more experienced in the job market, for jobs meant for the relatively inexperienced. In addition, a shortage of summer jobs for the youth constrained their potential education opportunities since often it is found that the students use the funds to pay their tuition fees. Moreover, summer jobs often taught them discipline and helped in the development of leadership skills in them. So, an axe on the number of such jobs had multi-dimensional effects on the future of the youth of the nation. Hence, the Chairman proposed an initial investment of $ 1.2 billion in the economy for employment generation. Besides there were other distingu ished contributors in the meeting who prescribed a number of policy suggestions to tackle the situation. The eminent participants addressed the issue by proposing strategies to curb the same. Mathew Segal recommended that any policies meant to address the issue must focus upon four different areas – the amount of resources allocated for investment should be increased, there must be increased facilities of education loans, the propensity for public service jobs must be enhanced among the young minds and the education imparted at schools must be

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

An effective business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

An effective business plan - Essay Example In order to attract a wide variety of customers, it is vital to have an image of the cars that are to be hired. In this fast globalising environment, the cars that need hiring are personal that are capable of running for many miles. These include personal cars that can accommodate a fairly large amount of individuals. Nowadays, individuals are keen on having the fun day out while visiting different areas. Having a car hire service that can address these needs is fundamental in the business’s growth. It is vital to understand their needs so as to have the right car to provide the customer (Barringer 2008).The sort of cars  Many young couples are interested in cars that are out for their interests. This means that; they want cars that are trendy and lavish to match the new lifestyle (Barringer 2008). The common vehicle models from popular vehicle industries are the right cars for the job. This is if they want cars for pleasure. In the event they need cars that are for business , there are also a variety of them around to fulfil this desire. The price of hiring these cars might range depending on the make and model of the car.The different assortment of cars may offer customers a variety to choose from, and their availability may make the business a top choice among clients. Everyone, in this day and age, wants to be affiliated with a posh lifestyle. To address this desire, cars that are cheap, but look desirable and lavish, are likely to be present. (Barringer 2008).... Having a car hire service that can address these needs is fundamental in the business’s growth. It is vital to understand their needs so as to have the right car to provide the customer (Barringer 2008). The sort of cars Many young couples are interested in cars that are out for their interests. This means that; they want cars that are trendy and lavish to match the new lifestyle (Barringer 2008). The common vehicle models from popular vehicle industries are the right cars for the job. This is if they want cars for pleasure. In the event they need cars that are for business, there are also a variety of them around to fulfil this desire. The price of hiring these cars might range depending on the make and model of the car. The different assortment of cars may offer customers a variety to choose from, and their availability may make the business a top choice among clients. Everyone, in this day and age, wants to be affiliated with a posh lifestyle. To address this desire, cars t hat are cheap, but look desirable and lavish, are likely to be present. They all serve the same purpose, and the customer ends up feeling gratified with the selection they have made. Toyota’s Premio is an example that might serve this purpose. However, having a variety of the Toyota product is an exceptional idea, especially for customers who want bigger cars for their activities (Barringer 2008). The rates to be charged The rates of hiring the cars are likely to range. This is because not all the cars are the same. The power most of the cars exhibit may set these cars and the rates apart from each other. The rates at which the Mercedes and Toyota models in the business go for cannot be the same. The presence of these varieties of cars presents the clients and customers with

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Information on the Indian American community in new york Essay

Information on the Indian American community in new york - Essay Example They had larger households. 4 percent of the Indian population was senior citizens, numbering 7,787. â€Å"Most Indian immigrants in New York City came to the United States in the last 20 years.† â€Å"Indians in the city obtained citizenship faster than foreign-born New Yorkers as a whole.† â€Å"The vast majority of Indian children in the city (86 percent, or 35,688) were enrolled in the New York City public school system, exceeding 79 percent of all New York City children.† Other groups living near with whom the Indian American population has interaction are, Chinese Americans, Koreans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African and Americans and Native Americans. Since New York City is the commercial hub, healthy interactions exist amongst the different ethnicities. Your will find doctors, bankers, engineers amongst Indian Americans. The percentage of Indian Americans that engage in criminal activities is nil. They are also in business, and hotel industry and export and import trade. Some of the Indian Americans occupy top posts in the Democratic Government of America. Globalization has provided new impetus for active interaction between different

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Term Paper Example As we watched the â€Å"Dead Poets Society†, I remembered having been classically conditioned by a familiar emotion that struck when Robin Williams who played the role of the teacher acted differently and seemed to establish a peculiar authority in the class. Though the raising of his voice in the film pertains to his poetic stance, it is a stimuli that triggered some fright in my senses which, in truth, has often been caught by terror teachers during my early days in school. By classical conditioning, thus, my unconditional response (UR), apparently, was the outcome of how Robin Williams reminded me of a familiar awful setting. Concentrating on the poignant scenes, I could not help imagine myself if I, like the main characters were torn between idealism and realism – the themes for which the thalamus of my brain collaborated with the amygdala in making me realize that it was emotionally tough to choose considering that perceptions even beyond actual encounter can affec t consciousness in an inevitable manner. That moment, we came by the essence of creative and appreciative form of learning especially on finding ourselves well delighted on the opening of DPS meeting held in a secret place where the young poets, as depicted in the movie, read a passage of thought by Henry David Thoreau. At this stage, our limbic systems were almost in full control of the moment with so much intellectual sensations taking place that my friend even dared me to compose a poem afterwards. I must admit that time I was still at the height of poetic intoxication so I accepted the challenge with excited neurons. Even if I did not know how to write a poem then firsthand, I could sense having an operant behavior in an atmosphere filled with literary influence which nourished me with the consequence to maintain the growing passion to discern the mystery of poetics and become a poet for some time. This way, operant conditioning developed in me the capacity to connect and seek p rofound relevance in the intrinsic nature of poetry and the beauty of its language. My neocortex could have operated to its full measure as I thought of the first figurative words of an attempted free verse. The poem I came up with did not follow strict metric pattern but certainly, it received the utmost approval of my friend for bearing the intended fluidity throughout the piece besides the harmony of elements such as imagery and symbolism. With the combined observational and operant approach, even in the absence of proper academic circumstances, I met with the success of being able to write a poem with the friend and the movie that served as tools of learning at the time. It would not have been less difficult without the aid of the frontal lobe that functioned adequately for me to have logic drawn from the intrinsic nature of love for words and speech. When I recited my composition, I was grateful that my cerebellum had a good management of my locomotion for each projected gestur e was quite synchronized with my utterances of the poesy. Compare / Contrast Between Sensations and Perceptions Normally, sensations are first to take place when sensory organs receive energy signals from the material stimuli of the environment as well

Friday, October 4, 2019

Explanation of Giovanni Battista Gualli's The Triumph Of The Name Of Essay

Explanation of Giovanni Battista Gualli's The Triumph Of The Name Of Jesus And The Fall Of The Damned - Essay Example In the clouds are the saints and other holy men who exudes adoration and extends praises. Aside from the enormous light that invites the holy people in the kingdom of Jesus, there are also men who vanishes to be part of the everlasting life as they are being casted down to hell by the same light that eminates the blessed. Extraordinarily, the work is striking the symbolism of what God wants us to believe and how he wants us to understand him. Thus, the work went beyond symbolism as it appears to bring you into reality as you experience close encounter with the painting. It serves as a walk-through the triumph of Jesus which gives you the feeling that the holy works is really happening. The way the large group of figures spill over the edge of the frame that seems to extend over your heads is not only there to make things appear real but its there for a deeper reason and that is for us learn how short in the distance that separates man on earth and Jesus on heaven. Truly, it can never be that far. The clouds on the other hand, strikes the great deal of solidity, serenity and color awakening us of the good things the earthly world has to offer. Thus, we should not be blinded by these because there are greater things beyond it that is yet to be explored.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Constitution of Uk Essay Example for Free

Constitution of Uk Essay As Pryor mentioned, a Constitution â€Å"is a written document setting out a system of founding principles according to which a nation is constituted and governed, and, most particularly, by which is sovereign power is located† (Pryor, 2008, pp. 4). Therefore, constitutions limit the governments’ powers, protect people’s rights, and infer the legitimacy of the state. The constitution of Great Britain hasn’t been brought together into a single document like other commonwealth countries such as France – it is not written or codified. Britain’s constitution is made up of common laws, Parliament acts, and customs and traditions. But Britain does have some important constitutional documents from the Act of Parliament such as the Magna Carta (1215): â€Å"which aimed to protect citizens against arbitrary power and guaranteed the right to a fair trial and trial by jury† (Barnett Diamantides, 2007, p.33), and Bill of Rights (1689): â€Å"the Lords and Commons, previous to the coronation of King William and Queen Mary had framed a bill which contained a declaration of the rights which they claimed in behalf of the people, and was in consequence called the Bill of Rights† (Jean Louis de Lolme, 1853, pp. 50). Britain has no written constitution because â€Å"the country has been stable for too long. The governing elites of many European nations, such as France and Germany, have been forced to draw up constitutions in response to popular revolt or war† (Morris, 2008). In addition, since the current situation has been working well for a long time, why to change it? Besides, the constitution can be changed or adjusted by acts of Parliament, or by an agreement. Since it is flexible, effective amendments in laws can be easily made. A.V. Dicey explained that a flexible constitution is â€Å"one under which every law of every description can legally be changed with the same ease and in the same manner by one and the same body† (Dicey, 1885, pp.65). It is also very valid for Great Britain not to have a written constitution so not to limit the power of the executive branch – the main executive branch being the parliament. Without the laws of the country written in a formal document where people can check them, it is very difficult to know the limits of the government. Hence, an unwritten constitution preserves the parliament’s sovereignty. Moreover, without a written constitution, the parliament is able to inspect the ministers in favor of the public. Albert Venn Dicey, who was a law professor in London School of Economics and a constitutional scientist, said that it is actually advantageous for Britain not to have a written constitution. He mentions that the people’s rights and democracy have been long respected in the constitutional arrangements of Great Britain. He called it (the respect of people) as the ‘The Rule of Law’ which is â€Å"the security given under the English constitution to the rights of individuals looked at from various points of view† (Dicey, 1885, pp. 107). Dicey summarized this rule in three main points. According to Dicey in his book ‘The Law of the Constitution’, no man will be punished except if the law allows it. Secondly, every man, regardless of his status, is subject to the law (no person is above the law). Thirdly, people’s liberty and rights are respected, and consequently, there is no need for the Bill of Rights (Dicey, 1885, pp. 110-115). A country might have a constitution, but may not enjoy constitutionalism. According to Kuper and Kuper â€Å"Constitutionalism is a political condition in which the constitution functions as an effective and significant limit on government† (The Social Science Encyclopedia, 1996, pp. 134). For constitutionalism to occur the constitution must constrain the government; hence, any government that is constitutional can be referred to as â€Å"limited government† (The Social Science Encyclopedia, 1996, pp. 134). In many regions, such as the European Union, constitutionalism is maintained by the Court of Justice, or judicial reviews. According to Kuper and Kuper, these practices aren’t required in the British system because â€Å"the most important constitutional precepts are maintained and enforced more informally through well-established popular attitudes and the restraint of politicians† (The Social Science Encyclopedia, 1996, pp. 134). Furthermore, there are countries with a written constitution such as Middle-eastern countries, but don’t practice constitutionalism. It is the executive body that rules and sets the laws, and in addition, there is no limit to its power. Furthermore, an opposition party or a judiciary, those who make sure that constitutionalism is practiced, and maintain constitutional limits are actually â€Å"not independent of government, because they are controlled by social or economic interests aligned with the government† (The Social Science Encyclopedia, 1996, pp. 134). Hence, even if there is a written constitution that can limit the government’s power, those who enforce constitutional laws may be in line with the government. A constitution might be nothing but a symbol or tool in order for governments to acquire both internal and external legitimacy, and for the public to respect the political and social rules. In the case of Britain, the people chose the anniversary of Magna Carta as the new national day, which shows that the people believe that the power of their ruler is bound. Magna Carta â€Å"didnt work in practice but it set a precedent. It advanced the cause of liberty, constitutionalism and parliamen tarianism†¦..† (The Telegraph, 2006). Reading in the news, the idea of forming a written constitution in Great Britain is being addressed by the current Prime Minister Gordon Brown in order to increase the democracy in Britain. But what must and must not be included in the constitutions? So, since this system has been working in Britain for centuries, and there is a body (the Parliament) that has some power over the prime minister, the system must not be tampered with. The well functionality of the system, the stability of the country, and the great flexibility in making and terminating laws are some of the reasons why Great Britain has an unwritten constitution. To sum everything up, Great Britain does not have a written constitution, but they do have other forms of constitutional documents. This system has been working well for a very long period of time, and even without a constitution, constitutionalism (which is limiting the government’s power) is still being practiced to some extent. Bibliography Adam Kuper, Jessica Kuper (ed.): The Social Science Encyclopedia (London: Routledge, 1996). A.V. Dicey: Introduction to the study of The Law of the Constitution (London: Macmillan, 1885). John Louis De Lolme: The Constitution of England (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1853). Judith Pryor: Constitution (London: Routledge, 2008). Hilaire Barnett Marinos Diamantides: ‘Sources of the Constitution’, Public Law. Published on 2007 by University of London, accessed from Nigel Morris: ‘The Big Question: Why doesnt the UK have a written constitution, and does it matter?’ published on 14/02/2008, accessed from No author: ‘Magna Carta is favoured date for British Day’, published on 30/05/2006, accessed from