Sunday, October 6, 2019

Information on the Indian American community in new york Essay

Information on the Indian American community in new york - Essay Example They had larger households. 4 percent of the Indian population was senior citizens, numbering 7,787. â€Å"Most Indian immigrants in New York City came to the United States in the last 20 years.† â€Å"Indians in the city obtained citizenship faster than foreign-born New Yorkers as a whole.† â€Å"The vast majority of Indian children in the city (86 percent, or 35,688) were enrolled in the New York City public school system, exceeding 79 percent of all New York City children.† Other groups living near with whom the Indian American population has interaction are, Chinese Americans, Koreans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African and Americans and Native Americans. Since New York City is the commercial hub, healthy interactions exist amongst the different ethnicities. Your will find doctors, bankers, engineers amongst Indian Americans. The percentage of Indian Americans that engage in criminal activities is nil. They are also in business, and hotel industry and export and import trade. Some of the Indian Americans occupy top posts in the Democratic Government of America. Globalization has provided new impetus for active interaction between different

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