Sunday, August 18, 2019

Anzaldúa’s Genre Borderlands Essay -- Gloria Anzaldua

Anzaldà ºa’s Genre Borderlands Gloria Anzaldà ºa writes of a Utopic frame of mind, the borderlands created in and lived in by the new mestiza. She describes the preexisting natures of the Anglos, Mexicanos, and Chicanos as seen around the southwest U.S. / Mexican border, indicative of the nations at large. She also probes the borders of language, sexuality, psychology and spirituality. Anzaldà ºa presents this information in various identifiable ways including the autobiography, historical/informative essay, and poetry. What is unique to Anzaldà ºa is her ability to weave a ‘perfect’ kind of compromised state of mind that melds together the preexisting cultures while simultaneously formulating a fusion of genres that stretches previously constructed borders, proving both problematic and a step in the right extremely ideal direction. Geography is the start of the novel and of the division of culture. There is hatred and derision linked heavily to the divide. This she tells primarily in historical formats, which she then intersperses with poetry. This makes the historical/ political pers...

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