Sunday, August 11, 2019

Using Ethos In Designing Of Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Using Ethos In Designing Of Websites - Essay Example The website for a project management tool, Basecamp uses Ethos to appeal to its customers by showing its credibility. The website shows a picture of two men talking to each other. One man asks the other, â€Å"How did you get that project done without losing your mind?† The second man Answers, â€Å"BASECAMP, we love it.† The answer from the second man proofs that the website is credible and reliable in project management. There is also the bold sentence on the website that shows that last year alone, the website helped over 285,000 companies complete more than 2 million projects. When navigating through the website one realizes that Basecamp marketing site builds credibility for their products and services by listing prominent customers that depend on the company to finish their projects. The method appeals to new customers who will trust and believe that the company will also give them good products and services. The website underlines and bold statements such as â€Å"Millions of people† use Basecamp. An indication of a strong and trustworthy customer base helps the website to build credibility among other people especially new clients. The website also shows that the company’s software for doing project management can operate on a variety of operating systems both on computers and smartphones. Customers will thus, understand that the information is true and credible. The website continues to appeal to customers by putting videos of important customers explaining what they like about Basecamp. It is clear that the Basecamp marketing website ap peals to ethos.

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