Saturday, August 17, 2019

Argumentative Essay Topics

The Top 10 Argumentative Essay Topics There is no limit when it comes to these contemporary issues that are often ignored in many areas of mass media. Let’s start with the coveted list of hot topics. Abortion – There is no cap on how much controversy the simple word of abortion sparks. Ever since the controversial Roe vs. Wade court case, the notion of abortion have spawned many riots, picketing and of course, violence. Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers often collide in a venomous war of words that often leads to violence of the highest form.Animal rights and experimentation – there is one acronym that reigns supreme when it comes to the rights of animals and that is PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is a group that sparks controversy wherever their representatives are. Whether it is dumping red paint on women who wear furs or just simply picketing on the steps of Congress, PETA is definitely at the forefront of controversy. Animal rights and experimen tation is one topic that will always ignite raw feelings and a heated debate. Breast Cancer and the effects of chemicals in soaps, deodorants, etc. Where there are pink ribbons there is bound to be controversy. The Susan G. Komen Foundation is at the forefront of creating a bit of a stir when it comes to finding a cure for breast cancer, whether it is through walkathons, or charitable events, the foundation strives for proper education, and continuous research on the eradication of breast cancer as evident in their â€Å"race for the cure† events. Writing an argumentative essay on breast cancer and the possible irritants in everyday things such as soaps, laundry detergents and deodorants as being possible causes of breast cancer will undoubtedly create a bit of a stir.Border Control – With America being the land of the free and the home of the brave, there have been continuous efforts to prevent immigrant entry through closing down the borders of the country. This will always be a hot topic of conversation, arguments and debates because it seeks to answer â€Å"what is an American since this is a country of blended cultures. † The Pharmaceutical Industry – Never have three simple words sparked such explosive debates coast-to-coast and around the world. The pharmaceutical industry has been alleged to be responsible for many things.Ethnic Adoption – This is fast being a hot topic of interest for many people because it explores the notion of couples adopting non-American babies. The Death Penalty – With so many people on death row, people have much to say about how the country handles death row inmates as well as what happens when an inmate is forced to walk the green mile and their number is literally up. Genetic Cloning – There has always been a way to get a rise out of people when the topic of genetic cloning comes into play.It forces people to contemplate the idea of man take on the roles that were meant for Go d. Plastic Surgery – With the addiction and deaths attributed to a gross fixation on plastic surgery procedures, many people attribute the rise of prescription medicine addiction and deaths to plastic surgery. This is one topic that is steadily gaining momentum when it comes to argumentative essays. Human Trafficking – This is one topic where you just can’t go wrong when looking for controversy.

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