Sunday, September 22, 2019

Beyond Auto Dependence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Beyond Auto Dependence - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the development of cities is dependent on the adoption of a sustainable mode of transport. The future of the cities is defined by the extent to which automobile can be discarded for alternative economic establishments. Cities should endeavor to improve urban centers and enhance the public spaces meant for cyclists and pedestrians. Kenworthy  states that it is necessary to ''improve the urban centers and enhance the public space for pedestrians and cyclists.''   The infrastructure design should take into consideration the plight of the populations that use the pathways or cycle to various destinations. The development of freeways promotes the use of cars yet such propensities extract the land that can otherwise be used for other essential development.As the study highlights  cities should introduce welfare structures that allow citizens to share cars and bicycles. Car-on-demand schemes should be introduced in various jurisdictions to reduce ca r ownership. Car ownership is responsible for the congestion that is witnessed in urban settings. Kenworthy notes that it is important to ''introduce vehicle car and bike sharing and car-on-demand schemes to help reduce car ownership''. Congestion should be penalized to discourage the ownership and embrace sharing.  The use of trains for transportation is testimony that the possibility of people sharing in terms of mobility is high.     

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