Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

Case Study Example There is number of middle class population is living in India. So, the target audience is average middle class of the population. For that, the product category is divided into two. One is grooming product, it includes body fragrances and spa. The other product is beauty product, and it includes skincare cosmetics and color cosmetics. The other benefit of the product is that it has very affordable prices with high quality and high value products. It will not be wrong to state that, Mary Kay is a globally recognized brand. As, it is a global brand, so, its products are manufactured in different countries of the world. The countries that manufacture the products of Mary Kay are Texas and Dallas in USA, and Hangzhou in China. Moreover, the beauty and grooming products are sold in five continents and in 35 different countries all around the world (Cateora 481). As India’s population is growing, so, the upper class of India is the most consuming class individuals are growing with over 500 million. The people of these classes are very optimistic, and the majority of consumers are young. They are the one who promote the consumerism enhance the luxurious life over the basic items. While focusing on the consumers and their feelings to target an audience, it has been noticed that in Indian culture promotion of beauty products can be successful because they want to live a good, perfect life for that they prefer to groom themselves. So, it can be beneficial for the company’s venture into the developing market of cosmetics (Cateora 481). For the awareness of the brand and its performance, the Mary Kay started marketing operation for the product launch in India in 2007. Then, in 2008 the initial launch of the product was in Delhi. This city is known as most populated city as it is the capital city of India. The other highly populated metropolis is Mumbai, so, the second marketing campaign run in Mumbai. For brand

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