Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Found in Translation Essay

Closing Case: Found in Translation: How to Make the Multicultural Workforce Work 1 What role does the basic communication process in Figure 11.1 play in this case? Explain. The basic communication process is vital from the Figure 11.1 in this case. The definition of communication is â€Å"the interpersonal transfer of information and understand† as stated on page 300. This is monumental for the CEO Glynn Lloyd to do with 70 percent of his 65 employees being from different places like Trinidad, Brazil, Nigeria, the Dominican Republic, and Cage Verde (p. 326). He has to have his employees carry out what he envisions for his company though understanding what is required. Which of the five communication strategies in Figure 11.3 does CEO Glynn Lloyd rely on the most at City Fresh Foods? At City Fresh Foods Glynn Lloyd relies on withhold and uphold strategy the most out of the five communication strategies in Figure 11.3. Lloyd’s also includes tell and sell strategy at City Fresh. The logistics manager, Kurt Stegenga states that the English classes was a bit much so they teach limited and key languages of City Fresh Foods such as â€Å"delivery ticket, check-out sheet and ice packs† (p. 326). â€Å"I spend a little extra time trying to help them read what they need to know (p. 326). At City Fresh Foods, the multilingual employees learn key terms such as â€Å"safe and out† and even the English alphabet by watch Sesame Street as noted in this case. Training material is visual so that at City Fresh Foods the employees can duplicate work efforts by visually looking at examples of how to do their jobs; it’s the hands on approach, â€Å"A demonstration is better than words, says Lloyd† (p. 326). How should Glynn Lloyd stimulate upward communication at City Fresh Foods? Explain. Glynn Lloyd should stimulate upward communication at City Fresh Foods by having a suggestion system. The employees that are performing the day-to-day operations are best to give suggestion on how to do something better. Just because they have a language barrier doesn’t mean that the processes cannot be Closing Case: Found in Translation: How to Make the Multicultural Workforce Work 2 achieved more efficiently or a practice from their culture could make the process better. As stated on page 312, â€Å"can be a wellspring of good ideas†. Glynn Lloyd by his openness of different cultural working together for one common purpose would benefit and seem open to the idea. Lloyd seems to have the ability to multi-task and a business sense to provide feedback if not immediate to surveys taken by his employees. How would you rate Glynn Lloyd as a listener? Explain. I would rate Glynn Lloyd as a good listener, though this case does not go into details or have examples it demonstrated through the different ways in which he communicates to the employees that all the components are there to being a good listener. Lloyd knew the 40 hour classes to teach English was not working so he adopted along with his managers of ways the multicultural employees could learn. Lloyd states, â€Å"They can talk to each other in whatever language they want† because the employees are not exclusive talking English during work. As an incentive to being in management it’s required to know English, this incentive by City Fresh to contribute up to $1,000 per person and $12,000 a year for education is huge. Lloyd makes it worthwhile for his employees to strive for success and that comes from listening to what the employees want. How comfortable would you be managing this type of multicultural organization? Explain. For me, I would not be comfortable with managing this type of multicultural organization. There are too many different languages and cultures to try to learn. I’m a person that requires immediate feedback, I would lose patients with getting a translator to encode, decode to the employees and wait to see if they understand what I need from them. I know that the future according to this case that â€Å"immigrants will account for nearly two-thirds of the country’s population growth between now and 2050† (p. 236), so in Closing Case: Found in  Translation: How to Make the Multicultural Workforce Work 3 order for me to relevant and be active in my community I better find a way to adapt and learn other languages and understand different cultures. Closing Case: Found in Translation: How to Make the Multicultural Workforce Work 4 References Kreitner, R. (2009). International Management and Cross-Cultural competence. (11th ed.). Management. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.

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