Sunday, July 28, 2019

Government 2 Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Government 2 - Dissertation Example It is possible for a minority idea to prevent a majority idea from being enacted. In this case, the minority party must be able to show a great opposition to the majority party, which does not usually occur. The basic ideas of representation have not changed, however the way in which the people of the branches conduct themselves has because there is far more lobbying and dealing with interest parties than there were in 1789. In addition, it seems that the leaders of both the house and the senate seem to have more power and influence than in previous years. 2. Discuss the process of how a Bill becomes a law in Texas. In order for a bill to become a law according to the Texas Constitution, it must pass through a vote in both the House and the Senate, much like in the federal government. Once a bill is written up, it is first taken to the House to be voted on. Depending on what the bill is related to, it is assigned to a committee in the House where a hearing is held. The committee then votes and the bill needs a majority vote to pass. Then, it is brought to the floor of the House for debate, amendments and voting. The senate follows the same process, which means sometimes there are two different copies of the bill. In this case, representatives from both chambers meet to discuss and compromise. That compromised bill is returned to both houses for voting without any amendments.

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