Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Teachers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Teachers - Essay Example The main principles underlying cognitive theory makes the theory play a very significant role in the classroom experiences of teachers and learners. Apart from acting as a foundation of experience for organizing new information, cognitive theory also enhances the creation of a social environment for acquisition of new knowledge (Cantillon & Wood, 2011). The executive control also plays a very significant role in the learning environment. It enables a teacher to learn the behavior of learner so as to interact easily and freely with that learner. In connection with this, the information processing concept of executive control enables the teacher to support executive thinking skills of the learner through coming up with effective classroom organization as well as interactions. Additionally, executive control enables the teacher to identify the learning disabilities of a learner in time so as to come up with ways to control the learner’s learning attitude (Cox,

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